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03/18/1970 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
03/18/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the village of Lino Lakes Planniag & Zaratng Board <br />held on March 18, 1970 was tallied t order at 8:05 p,m0 by r;hairman John <br />Lean with all members preaent except Messrs.. Hill and Jester, <br />Ur.. Rehbein made a motion t aaaept the minutes of the February 18, 1970 <br />meeting aa presented, Secoaded by Ur. Hannik. Carried umanimoualat <br />ktr, Naean made a suggestiol that, we haw Mr, :3-,eorge {latwald me7ao up a <br />Village rtup showing the exult lcaatiora of than sign appaiaatioas, Wilkma <br />we have an application that is valA and filled out properly, then the <br />lierk-Treasarer ahoald forward the application to Mr, aotwald and ha aila <br />go thraugh the investigatio7a tn see that it meets the location, Arca-tame <br />deraude, ete. end send that applantion back vith his reaommeudatior fay <br />or against so W6 can eut upan :It. T alga applieetioas will be =hazed <br />aonsecutively„ with the lowost ratialler takiag priority., The Clerk w1 nly <br />lead the appliaations to1ht GataaA that have n goad deacription. <br />Bratlane fras 3redea Naa, paezentad aka requastad infarmation <br />for sign applicatian Noe, 11 20 gA.„ Mere ,4011Attze wIlA be for- <br />wireted letveld rfn, <br />Naa Bab Fo1v1u ft nvor ,11:1so wav miraiLded <br />tbrIt sedltii=1 Imff.)Tott.m. le 17is41:w beffeJ thlr Jgr, <br />hR Pl'oetd. Thiz leoTmetIon t t b- fl'wnIshqd stan. <br />West held a gerartaa dfsaaaY,an of the aavaled Wnnesata alarbing are( <br />eeptia teak eade dated atrao, 1969, 30 thlnka that the uveraZ lode le a <br />very goad oae, espeafafIly when it 10M5 t septla tent and !Individaal aewage <br />aystems <br />There was gate a lot of di <br />where there is a saad prabl <br />expands, it breaka fittings <br />pipa for aaa inside the hon <br />let havae trailers and pret <br />the elude is adopted all tra <br />the oode is met. Mr. Wet <br />enforce the restrictions; t <br />Mr. West recommends that we <br />on the ure of Onstic pipe, In loeations <br />Vilp cast iron is wiled; aleo when plastic la4e <br />Mr, Wt recommends oast iron aopper, or steel <br />3e. Mr. Glenn Rehbein suggeists that we shouldnot <br />11NO use plastic pipe if it is restriated„ and if <br />Liers nnd prefabs should be inspected to see that <br />laid that if the plastic pipe is approvad„ he will <br />let it is up to the Village to make the decision0 <br />adopt than eade fcri' the septic tank. <br />Mr, Meleen asked that copie3 of the Mtnnesata plumbing code be made available <br />to Malan', ge4ling, Karth, Ind Hunla far the atew befora the uext <br />meting, <br />Mr. Cecil LeMatte brought b <br />pert a (Third Addition, <br />made a renommendation ta ti <br />be eliminated and that the <br />side in tha First Additioli, <br />added on to Lot 6, Block 1 <br />Lot 1, Bloak 2. <br />afore t23 e lommlasian preliminary draaings of hia <br />ft er lansiderable diacarsian, Mr. Mem. Rfathein. <br />Quill that the 501 an t east proparty linn <br />aark in the Sacond Addition liala up with thn lake <br />Ha .3t7 rocommended that :a0 additioaa feat be <br />and that thera be fa tompornay turn arouud ta <br />This recammendation was secanded 143 a mation ',y Mr. Kelling. Carried nnenimouslyt <br />Mr. LeMotte will aontect the Fagineer and have changes made to the drawings.
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