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2- <br />Mr. Clyde Rehbein cruse forward with 5! regroast t fmether subdivide th.e 1600 <br />parcel (for which he already :led obtlined i variance) in order thtt tbIr.d <br />duplex could be built behind the two fw, which permits have been gran'l,„ <br />There was considerable dienuslion ragardl-,v, the :id of e dedfol:ated rd <br />before a permit could be vantfed and th problers invaved with mol: thRT, <br />one person owning tb land. <br />Mr, Ke lling moved that we shaiLd mt reltcastend veripnce for a 3.-way spit <br />of this parcel to the (Tomei' becetzr7..) of the lafc!k of a dedicated road and <br />frontage. Motion seconded by Mr„, KaTAIL Carried ramnimc,:asly. <br />ft. Glenn Rebbein moved to relomend that the cvatli..1. have the .Atkrney <br />the Village Engineer look into the: i.x:!cbe2,--is of minimum frIntnea cf dedicated <br />roads, Mr. /Wiling seconded th1,3 reloizzendeVori, as e <br />e letter from Twin Clity ee: Bny,leering laboratory to grd to <br />ft‘›)r pinirels being wed n Mx' Yklil hN prefet., homes WRS <br />noted thet the 2x4 fl,00r %Tf.x..1.1d take P-rrr <br />meets our VilZoge x.,equirtnt;„ <br />IlketirOn 11W3 made to edjouni th tg ir JC 130 b ilettetno <br />Seocraled by Mr Jeiing