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04/15/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/15/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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2- <br />Mr. Husnik and Mr. Karth said they hadn't had time to study the new Minnesota <br />Plumbing Code. Mr. McLean said this would be taken up at the next meeting on May 20. <br />Mr. John McLean stated that he had delivered copies of the Blaine and Coon Rapids <br />ordinances regarding contractor's licenses, construction fees, etc. Mr. Husnik <br />stated that he felt that all the Villages had about the same ordinances on this. <br />Mr. Husnik also stated that we cannot require electricians or plumbers to have <br />municipal licenses. W. Rehbein replied that both the electricians and plumbers <br />are required to be licensed in the Coon Rapids ordinance. It was decided to take <br />the matter under advisement until the next meeting. Mr. Rehbein and Mr. Hill were <br />appointed to have a report on it at that time. <br />The hearing for Mr. Gilbert Menkveld on his proposed mobile home park was opened at <br />8:30 p.m. Mr. Locher read the affidavit of publication for the notice of hearing <br />on proposed Ordinance 6S. He also read the affidavit of posting and notice of the <br />special use permit, as well as the mailing notice. W. Locher noted that different <br />parcels were held under different names, although owned by the same persons. He <br />Stated that the notices were in order and should be filed with the Clerk. <br />tvr. Joe Summers, Attorney for W. Menkveld, presented a mockup of the individual <br />park units. He stated that the parcel contained 119 acres immediately west and <br />southwest of the Youth Center down to 35W. A total of 571 mobile home units were <br />planned for a density of 4.8 units per acre. This was fewer than allowed under <br />Village ordinances. Mr. Summers requested variances from our ordinances to present_ <br />a better plan: <br />1) Whereas the Village Ordinance requires that the trailer units be set at <br />10o <br />angles to the streets in a military-barracks type of arrangement which is <br />unattractive, too regimented, inefficient and breaks up the green space, they <br />would like to use a series of modules containing cul-de -sacs with the units clus- <br />tered around having the following advantages- - <br />a. that the trailers do not face on heavy travelled streets but on a <br />cul-de -sac with light traffic <br />b. a concentrated area of green space is produced by putting two units <br />close together, thus giving bigger front lawns. <br />2) Whereas the Village Ordinance requires fixed lot dimensions of 60' x 100', <br />producing an area of 6,000 sq. ft., though they would have no problem meeting this, <br />they would like smaller lots, particularly on the corner lots. As long as the <br />density was less than required by our ordinance, it would not be necessary to stick <br />to strict lot size dimensions. <br />3) Whereas Village Ordinance requires 20' setback from the street, they would <br />like to put their units within 10' of the street on the cul-de -sacs. <br />4) Whereas the Village Ordinance requires cement sidewalks along all streets, <br />they felt that green walkways between the parcels would be better and would aceomo- <br />date places where people were more likely to walk. <br />5) Whereas the Ordinance requires 30' streets, they request a variance to <br />permit 24' streets in the cul -de -sacs but collector streets would be 30'. <br />6) Although the Village Ordinance requires 2% land area to be dedicated to <br />recreation areas, they have dedicated 15% to recreation areas besides the space <br />between the modules.
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