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05/20/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/20/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting off t i,. <br />n no Lakes Planning & Zoning Board held on May 20, 1970wascalledtoorderbirmanGlennRehbeinat8:10 p.m. Those presentwereMr. Husnik, Mr. Hill, W. Karth, and Mr. Rehbein with W. Kelling arriving0late, Councilman Cardinal was also present and Attorney Locher arrived about 8:30. <br />The following corrections were made to the April 15 minutes: Page 3, second tolastparagraph, cross out 16', insert 60'; Page 4, second to last paragraph, lastline, "crossing" should be "crossings "; Page 5, sixth paragraph, insert "sewer" petween "court" and "line "; Page 5, third paragraph, insert "even" after "Mr. Hillstatedthat ". Mr. Husnik moved to accept the April 15, 1970 minutes as corrected. Seconded by 14.. Hill. Carried. <br />sign permit was requested by Naegele Advertising to erect a sign at the northeastornerofHwy. 49 and 135W. Mr. Hill moved to recommend to the Council that theyacceptNaegele's application for Sign Permit #26 to be located as described on theapplication. Motion seconded by Mr. Karth. Carried. <br />dr. Cheer Cardinal requested a special use permit to park his mobile home on his ownotatRoute1, Box 27, Hugo. Mr. Kelling asked if the Board had made any changesnpolicyoverthelastyearsinceMks. Cardinal had a similar permit last summer. <br />nr. Husnik moved to recommend to the Council they grant Mr. Cheer Cardinal oftoute1, Box 27, Hugo, a three-month special use permit to live in a mobile homenhisownlotfromJune1toSeptember1. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carriedinanimously. <br />4r. Karth and Mr. Husnik reported on their survey of the Uniform Minnesota Plumbing3ode. Both men thought it was a good code but pointed out that Mr. West, Plumbingnspector, had said he objected to plastic pipe, which is included in the code. 1t also includes a certain type of copper which can rust. The main problems with <br />plastic pipe are that it can be damaged by a Roto- Rooter and cannot be used underthehouse (stated in the code). The committeemen felt plastic pipe was okay if usedproperlyandexaminedbytheinspectorindepth. <br />4r. Husnik moved to recommend to the Council that they adopt the new Minnesota StatelumbingCode (June, 1969) by reference. Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Carriedinanimously. <br />r. Rehbein and Mr. Hill did not have a report ready on the Contractor's Licensingtdinance, but will try to have this by next month. <br />r. Cardinal had no report from the Council. <br />r. Lee Smith presented a petition for rezoning, accompanied by a check for $100.00. <br />e would like to rezone approximately 87 acres on three corners of 35W and Hwy. 49 <br />rcnn residential to commercial with the main emphasis on a Scientific ResearchndDevelopmentCenter, along with stores such as liquor and drug, and also offices. is petition had nine signatures of adjoining property owners. <br />r. Rehbein stated that it was not the Board's practice to approve blanket rezoning, ithout definite plans. Much discussion insued on the liquor store entrance beingessthan1,000 feet from the Methodist Church. Mr. Locher stated there is no <br />emit on the number of off -sale liquor stores in the Village but that there were <br />a more on -sale permits available. Mr. .with questioned whether he could get the <br />aw changed so he could build an off -sale store closer to the church. Mr. Locher
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