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06/17/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/17/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino. Lakes Planning & Zoning Board held on June 17, <br />1970 was called to order by Chairman McLean at 8:10 p.m. Those present were <br />Mr. Husnik, Mr. Hill, Mr. Karth, Mr. Kelling, Mr. McLean, Mr. Rehbein and <br />Councilman Cardinal. <br />The following correction was made to the May 20 minutes: First page, first line, <br />delete "Vice" and insert "Acting ". Mr. Kelling moved to accept the May 20, 1970 <br />minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion carried. <br />Sign permits for signs #27 end #28 were requested by Western Outdoor Advertising <br />Skelly Oil). These two signs had already-been erected before permission was <br />requested. Since the legal description was not complete, the Board referred the <br />request to Engineer Gotwald for further study before action is taken. <br />Mr. Hill and Mr. Rehbein reported on their study of the proposed Contractors' <br />Licensing Ordinance. It was Mr. Rehbein's opinion that our Village was not ready <br />for an ordinance of this type at this time. Mr. Rehbein moved and Mr. Karth <br />seconded, to recommend to the Council that they table the proposed Contractors' <br />Licer, ing Ordinance until the Village has adequate personnel to carry out the <br />necessary clerical work and policing of the proposed ordinance. <br />Mr. Ken Rehbein presented plans for erecting 3 apartment buildings of 36 units <br />each on 15 acres of land near his Real Estate Office on Hwy. 8. Glenn Rehbein <br />questioned his plans for sewer. Ken answered that it was not definite but would <br />probably be cesspools with drain fields and he had the okay from the bank on <br />this. He was willing to work with the Village Engineer on the sewer problem. <br />The cost would be about $375 - $400,000 per building. Most of the apartments would <br />be one bedroom, eliminating the problem of flooding the school district with <br />children. Some of the apartments would have garages. <br />The Board felt they would rather see apartment buildings in Lino Lakes than <br />trailer houses or prefab houses. Mr. McLean told Mr. Rehbein that the Board <br />looked favorably on the apartment proposal and he should present a request for <br />rezoning with a definite set of plans which could be studied by the Village <br />Planner. <br />Glenn Rehbein questioned Ken about his prefab homes and mentioned the fact that <br />all the houses looked alike and at the time Ken requested permits he stated the <br />outside design would vary from house to house. Ken felt the designs were varied. <br />Most of the Board agreed that the prefabs were not adding anything good to the <br />Village's appearance. <br />The subject of the streets in Twilight Acres was then discussed. Ken stated <br />that each lot owner was paying $56 a year for 5 years to pay for the present <br />gravel road. When the road is blacktopped, the home owners will be assessed for <br />the blaektopping. Mr. Cardinal thought the arrangement had been that when 75% <br />of the area was developed, the road would be blacktopped. No minutes can be <br />located stating the original terms. The Board was not happy with the street <br />situation in Twilight Acres. <br />The prefab homes were discussed again and it was suggested that Ken vary the <br />houses more and make the area more attractive; the prefabs are only hurting the <br />Village in the long run. The only thing that can be done is to write a stiffer <br />building code. <br />Mr. Ray Rehbein presented a proposed plat for his property on Morahan Lane. <br />Mr. McLean moved to recommend to the Council that a plat hearing be set for Ray <br />Rehbein at the earliest possible date. Seconded by Ali. Kelling. Carried.
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