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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning &,Zoning Board held on July 15, <br />1970 was called to order by Chairman *Lean,at,8:05 p.m.. All members. were present <br />except Mr. Jester and Councilmen Cardinal. Attorney Looker arrived about 8 :15 p.m. <br />Mr. Rehbein moved to accept the June 17, 1970 minutes as presented. Seconded by <br />Mr. Hill. Motion carried. <br />Chairman *Lean asked :Mr. Hill and Mr. Husnik to report on their progress of <br />studying a revised - building code. in Lino Lakes. l r:. Hill reported that they had <br />made several contacts with neighboring suburbs and felt the trend was toward a <br />uniform code for the Twin Cities and suburbs. They will continue to make con- <br />toots and report further at the next meeting. <br />Mr. McLean stated that his was a similar report on the zoning classifications for <br />Lino Lakes. Mr. Tom Van Housen was in the process of obtaining Codes and zoning <br />regulations from surrounding areas. Mr. Van Housen will meet with Mr. McLean, <br />Mr. Kelling, and Mr. Karth in the near future to work on new zoning classifi- <br />cations for Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. McLean reported that the Verner Dahl trailer house had been removed. <br />Mr. Nick Antinozzi and his son presented a survey of 25 acres, on Pine Street of <br />which Mr. Antinozzi was deeding 6 acres to his son for the erection of a home. <br />Attorney Locher could find no problem with the plat since it was over 2 -1/2 <br />acres and fronted on a dedicated road. Mr. Antinozzi was directed to contact <br />Mr. Dupre for a building permit. <br />Chairman McLean questioned. the Attorney concerning parking mobile hones for <br />sale on private property. Mr, Locher answered that parking without <br />not restricted by our, ordinance. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Locher to report on the status of the discussion on the <br />Plumbing Code since there has been much confusion as to whether plumbers are <br />to abide by the old code, or the new Minnesota Plumbing Code and the additions <br />to the code. The present Lino Lakes code is presented in Ordinances 47 and 48. <br />It was felt that Lino Lakes should reference the new Minnesota Plumbing <br />Code which is a ecmbined code requiring only one ordinance but at the same time <br />there are stronger points in 47 and .48 which should also be considered. It was <br />felt we should have one code that is current and the fee schedule should be <br />continued into the new code. <br />Mr.. Locher will call Mr. vilittlidelest, the Plumbing Inspector, and ask him if <br />he sees any comparison between Ordinances 47 and 48 and the Minnesota Plumbing <br />Code. The State Code does not include cast irdn stubbing from the house to the <br />street which the Board felt should be in the Lino Lakes code, along with a <br />section on fees, licensing, and bonding. <br />At 8 :30 p.m. Chairman McLean called to order the public hearing for Mr. Lee C. <br />Smith who desired to rezone 4 parcels of land on I -3511 and Old Hwy 8. Also <br />present with Mr. Smith were Attorney Virgil Herrick, Mrs. Crystal Ahlman, and <br />Mr. Bill Ecoff, an interested developer. <br />Attorney Locher showed that all the necessary. legal requirements were in order <br />and read the legal descriptions of all 4 parcels. Fifty -six acres of the