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07/15/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/15/1970 P&Z Minutes
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development would be an Industrial Park. One of the parcels would be aMotel- Restaurant complex and the rest would be a major shopping center, The <br />present ordinance would have to be amended in order to allow a liquor storetobebuiltlessthan1,000 feet from the church door. <br />Mr. Chester Wood, representing Gethsemane Methodist Church, stated that thechurchwanteditonrecordthattheywouldnowandinthefutureobjectto aliquorstorebeingallowedlessthan1,000 feet from the church door. <br />Attorney Herrick questioned whether motels would be allowed under our presentordinanceandAttorneyLocheranswered "yes" as they would be considered thesameashotels, <br />Mr. Sadttrequested that the rezoning to commercial with special use permits forlightindustrialbestatedsothatwhenLinoLakesdoeshavezoningforindustrial, his property could be rezoned to light industrial. He emphasized <br />that at this time all his plans seem to fit into our present ordinance with <br />special use permits. <br />Chairman McLean explained explicitly to all present that we do not allow blanket <br />rezoning and pointed out and read in detail portions of Ord. 21C which explainshoweverydevelopermustpresentdetailedplans, surveys and maps to thePlanningBoardbeforeanyrezoningisallowed. Attorney Herrick objected to <br />parts of this saying it is impossible to know in advance exact desires of futurebuyers. <br />Mrs. Ahbnen stated that it is important to get one building built for advertisingpurposes. Mr. Bill Eeoff was interested in building a Tool and Die shop on3acresofthesouthwest, corner of parcel C as located 012 the attached mad,.* Mr. McLean told Mr. Scoff it Wo ld be'neoeSserY to get a survey and, legaldescription. of these 3 acres before it eould Abe rezoned, <br />Mr. McLean polled the Board members as to their feelings on the total rezoning. Mr. Korth felt we needed light industry in Lino Lakes and a Tool and Die shopfitintoourpresentordinance. Mr. Husnik felt they should start out byrezoningthesmallparcelfortheToolandDieshop. Mr, Scoff did not thinkitwaspossibletogetthisoutofthelargersection. Mr. Kelling stated hewasinfavoroflightindustrybutwecouldnotgiveblanketzoning. Mr. Smith's <br />plans must fit into our ordinance and be contingent on the feelings of the <br />residents near the location. lbs. Ahlman stated she had already taken around a <br />petition which had been signed by 10 residents who were in favor of the pro- <br />posal. Mr. Rehbein felt that verbally the Board was in favor of rezoning andthatwastherightplaceforaToolandDieshopbuttheyshouldhaveabetterplanfortherestoftheproperty. W. Rehbein felt the Village wants commercial <br />property and also stated that speaking. for the church, the church would sticktothe1,000 ft. regarding the liquor store. Mr. Hill questioned the traffic <br />flow off old Hwy 8 which would go into the major shopping center and wonderediftheStatewouldfeelitwastooclosetothe35`+I interchange. Mr. Smith <br />answered that this was one of the problems that would have to be worked out. Mr. McLean felt favorably toward the plans but requested more definite plans.
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