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09/16/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/16/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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2r <br />Mt',_Mc +azi requ zter2 the VIIiage sutmit numbers for their Impurmaftiwn alerts on <br />the freeway so they can be recorded on the sign map. <br />Mr. McLean reported that he had met with Mr. Karth and Mr. Kelling concerning <br />new zoning regulations. They are selecting classifications for a tool to work <br />with only and are not cutting the Village up into parcels. Future requests <br />for rezoning would be funneled into this preliminary plan. So far they have <br />drawn up a list of classifications and at their next meeting with Mr. Van Housen <br />t.'ay will define the classifications. They will keep the Board informed on <br />progress. <br />McLean reported on the outcome of the public opinion poll concerning house <br />trailers in Lino Lakes held on September 15, 1970. There were 123 YES votes, <br />NO votes; composed of a total of 362 votes. <br />Mr. McLean handed out reports of the Metropolitan Sewer Cost Allocation which does <br />not include Lino Lakes. <br />Haim Husnik felt the Council had voted against the Planning Board on too many <br />occasions and wondered about the purpose of the Board. Alen questioned for <br />specifics he stated two examples as the plastic plumbing code and trailer courts. <br />He thought the Council was bending in favor of trailer courts but Mr, McLean <br />stated he had not gotten this feeling from the Council. <br />Mr., McLean explained that the Planning Board was a recommending body only and <br />there are bound to be differences of opinion on occasion. The Council gathers <br />111 the <br />opinions from many individuals and along with a recommendation from <br />the Planning Board has to make a final decision, not always in agreement with <br />the Planning Board. <br />Mr. Husnik felt homeowners who are not allowed to use plastic pipe are being <br />penalized up to $300 /house. If the Council allows trailers into the Village <br />some changes would have to be made concerning plastic pipe and trailer houses <br />do not meet other codes in the Village. <br />Kelling commended Mr. Husnik for keeping up with the Council minutes and <br />being concerned about what is going on in the Village. <br />Mr, McLean questioned the number of trailers in Baldwin Lake Park and the extras <br />sitting around. The Village Clerk stated there were 52 occupied lots and <br />trailers and four trailers sitting vacant to be sold. <br />Jim Hill questioned the new road posts on Hwy 49 near the Moga Speiser Garage. <br />riank Rosengren stated that they had been put in by the State Hwy. Dept. <br />W. Hill wondered what the procedure was when a hearing was continued to a later <br />c'i?te by the Council. If new information was introduced, he wondered if this <br />houldn't first be presented to the Planning Board before a decision by the <br />Council. Mr. McLean felt that important changes should be turned back to the <br />I3card and the Mayor could be notified of this feeling through these minutes. <br />M:, Hill thought the Planning Board had not been thoroughly notified of all the <br />oceedings of the Menkveld trailer court hearings and the Board had never been <br />a.ven a definitive set of plans for the trailer court.
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