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10/21/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/21/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino. Lakes Planningg& Zoning Board held on October 21, <br />1970 was called to order by Chairman McLean at 8:10 p.m. All members were <br />present except Mr. Jester and Mr..Husnik. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the Sept. 16 minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br />Kelling. Motion carried. <br />Mr. McLean reported en the progress of the committee considering the new zoning <br />classifications for Lino Lakes. Mr. McLean had met with Mr. Kelling, Mr. Karth, <br />Mr. L'Allier and Mr. Van Housen and they had discussed zoning districts similar <br />to those described by the Metropolitan Planning Commission. Mr. Van Housen is <br />working on a preliminary ordinance and will have it drafted by early November <br />to present to the committee. It will be presented to the Planning Board on <br />November 18, after which they will have one month to study it and make revisions <br />for possible approval on December 16. The ordinance will then be presented to <br />the Council, hopefully to be approved by the end of 1970. <br />Jim Hill reported he had not been able to get together with the committee on <br />revising the building code. He would like to get together with Mr. McLean to <br />discuss just how much the code should cover as our present code is very vague. <br />Two new sign permit requests were presented to the Board. St. Joseph's Catholic <br />Church would like a variance for a sign larger in size than the 24 sq. ft. allowed <br />in the ordinance for church signs. The face size of St. Joseph's sign would be <br />approximately 25.5 sq. ft. Churches are not charged a fee for their sign permits. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to recommend to the Council that they grant sign permit #37 to <br />St. Joseph's Catholic Church provided they reduce the size of the face of the <br />sign to 24 sq. ft. as stated in our ordinance and that a legal geographical <br />location of the sign be provided the Council. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Ray Rehbein had presented a request for sign permit #38 for the Out Post <br />Sport Center. The sign would be located at the southeast corner of Birch Street <br />and Centerville Road. As the location is zoned agricultural, a special use <br />permit would be required. The sign must be located 500' from any residence as <br />required by ordinance. The sign would be 48 sq. ft. in size. Mr. Rehbein was <br />advised to locate his sign at least 500' from any residence and present a legal <br />description and a request for a special use permit on November 18. <br />Ken Rehbein presented detailed plans for an apartment complex he plans to con- <br />struct on Lake Drive behind his Real Estate Office. These plans had previously <br />been presented to Engineer Gotwald and Planner Van Housen. Chairman McLean <br />read portions of letters he had received from these men. <br />Mr. Van Housen stated that the request was for rezoning from residential (major) <br />and commercial (minor) to commercial for apartments. He stated that the plan <br />requests approval for 3 units but only one was drawn out, thus requiring blanket <br />zoning. (More plans have since been drawn.) Mr. Van Housen pointed out the <br />ingress- egress road on Hwy. 8 creates a problem. Proposed topography and pro- <br />posed landscaping should be detailed and the Village Engineer must approve the <br />sewer system. <br />Mr. Gotwald's letter stated that further information should be obtained on the <br />storm water flow, number of wells and pumps, type and design of parking lot and <br />road surfacing, private service road, and elevation and grade of land around <br />buildings. The septic tank and drain field system would have to be approved by <br />the Minnesota Department of Health. Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Van Housen will check <br />other items in Ordinance 21.
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