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10/21/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/21/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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On another note Mr. Van Housen had recommended certification that landscaping <br />would be carried out as promised such as a one per cent of budget bond. He also <br />recommended planting of trees to begin at time of first building. <br />Ken Rehbein stated that he had been in touch with Mr. Gotwald and several prob- <br />lems had been settled already. Some of them were: <br />1. All the roads would be private roads. <br />2. Roads and parking lots would be 2" blacktop with a 24' driving <br />surface. Exit on Hwy. 8 would be 66' wide. <br />3. A letter will be coming from the State Health Dept. concerning <br />the sewer system. <br />4. Screening will be provided as drawn in on plan by Mr. Van Housen, <br />5. There will be two 4 -inch wells per unit. <br />6. Mr. Rehbein will check further into the drainage. <br />Mr. Rehbein would like all of the parcel rezoned at one time, although he will <br />only build one unit at a time. Mr. Kelling wondered about setting a time limit <br />on the rezoning after :rhich time the land would revert back to its present use. <br />Mr. Hill questioned the entrance road on Hwy.. 8 and asked if they couldn't make <br />it more of a right angle turn, instead of a gradual turn. This will be checked. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the recreational facilities (ball park, tennis court, picnic <br />area) would be built with the first unit and was told "yes. ". <br />Mr. Kelling moved to recommend to the Council that they set up public hearings <br />for El Rehbein & Son to consider rezoning of 15.8 acres on the corner of Lake <br />Drive and Main Street for the building of 3, 36 -unit apartments, all being 1 <br />bedroom units, except for three 2 bedroom units in each building, with the <br />stipulation that all questions presented in letters from Mr. Van Housen and <br />Mr. Gotwald be satisfactorily complied ;rith before the public hearings. <br />Mr. Rehbein has in his possession the letter from Mr. Van Housen and one will <br />be requested by the Village Clerk from Mr. Gotwald. Seconded by Mr. Korth. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rehbein will have to supply a legal description for the Attorney so he can <br />begin notices if the Council sets the hearings. <br />The following items of interest are brought to the attention of the Council. <br />1. Unfinished home on Lake Drive owned by Dick Olson (been that way <br />long enough). <br />2. A trailer house on Main Street near the dam. Presently being lived <br />in by a family named Hoppear (no permit). <br />3. Mechanics of issuance of building permits in Lino Lakes. <br />that proof is the bldg. inspector given before issuing a permit? <br />survey? plans? proof of 2 -1/2 acres? <br />Suggest Mr. Dupre be invited to next Planning & Zoning meeting to <br />explain mechanics—Administrative reconstruction may be in order. <br />Ur. Kelling moved to adjourn at 9:40. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried
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