Tho regular meeting of the Lino Lakes fdlanning and Zoning Board held on kovember 18, 1970
<br />was dalled to order by. Chairman 1.4cLean at 8:05 pm.. All member and Councilman Cardinal
<br />were present, as well a a Iarge audience, kr, Ldcher and 11r. Gotwald also arrived later
<br />in the evening,
<br />Mr, Karth moved tocceept the minutes of the September meeting as presented, Sedonded by Mrc
<br />Rehbein, Carried,
<br />gn permit Luther 38 had been requested by the Outpost Sport Center, The sign is to be
<br />located on the Southeast earner of Centerville 'toad and birch Street— Mr, Gotwald had
<br />stated that the sign met the ordinance requirements with the exception of being within
<br />500 feet of a nearby residence, Birch Street could be considered a natural barrier between
<br />the house and the sign, The sign would not create a traffic hazard,
<br />Fir,, Kelling moved to recommend to the Council they grant a sign permit to the Outpost
<br />Sport Center for sign #38 provided the sign be located 500 feet south of Birch Street,
<br />Seconded by Lr9 Husnik, Motion carried,
<br />The Skelly Oil Uompany requested sign permit ii39 for a sign to be located on their property
<br />near the freeway, The request was for a height of 100 above grade with our Ordinance
<br />allowing only 65Q above grade) thus requiring a variande The requested sign would replace
<br />a present 40" sign, The sign would have a steel. and condrete base The request had not
<br />been okayed by the Engineer so the application and other printed material was turned over
<br />to Ar, Gotwald,
<br />The Board recommended that the reqoest be held over to the December 16 meeting 9 kr, Gotwald
<br />will review the applidatien within the next week and relay his opinion to the Boa rd The
<br />sign request will be on the agenda for December 16 and is requested to be on the Council
<br />agenda for DedeMber 28th-, The Clerk should inform the applicant that the hearings will
<br />be held in the new Village Hall,
<br />Mn2ean, Mr. Keying and Mr, VanHousen had gone over the proposed new zoning code for
<br />Lino Lskes, A speaJial informal meeting has been Jet up for 1.Jednesday5. December 2 at 7:30 p,m,
<br />at the home of John McLean, 6440 Otter Lake Road, for the purpose of reviewing the proposed
<br />dode, Mr, McLean gave eadh rember a ropy of the proposed reciassifi,:ations, No Cormal
<br />altion will he taken until December 16th,
<br />The proposed revision of the building code will be held over until the first of the year
<br />as it is contingent on the new rezoning code..
<br />A public hearing was held to consider the proposal to ban shot gun hunting and trap shooting
<br />In the gouthwest dorner of the Village,
<br />One hundred seenty—t-vd individual signdlpares had ,:oen obtained on a petition oprosing
<br />poasae of the ordinAnde. Several in the audiende spoke oat agains oaslawing all hunting,
<br />Only en:; couple opoke In fa7lor of banning all shooting, They stated the bird population
<br />teen depleted and 'e:as net returning, Their main objeation was to hens being shot
<br />Which is already outlawed under State law, kr.Bill stated that if lays are being violated
<br />roper authorities should be notifisd,
<br />tr. l'.a11-__ng stated it is a fact that if you diose huntin7 it does not inerease bird
<br />oiulsti,n, :a.derty owner:, shoulo get deo:ether s-d past their own land,
<br />ast deoplo in tha audied e and ch the Bra -d felt ',,,hat catlawing all hontipg was not
<br />n:dddoary: Ns ha-ye eimr,: h Laws sia-ead;- ard th,se ahodld be nforded