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na., hbien stated that the Anoka 1-;ounty Sheriff's Office apparently did not know about the <br />IV.,rh.-,ing laws in Lino • tla. had told hunters to go ahead and hunt during the <br />r:7.--day season, Mr. Locher will relay- a copy of Ordinance #27 to the Anoka County Sheriff, <br />chen Mr, klobean polled the Board on their feelings of the proposed ban, Mr, Karth stated <br />that "the way people abuse private property he would just as soon see it passed," The <br />rest of the Board felt, we had enoogh laws already and they should be enforced. <br />Yr, Kelling roved to recommend to the Louncil that they leave the gun law on the book <br />as is btit the present Ordinance #27 shou3d, be enforoed both by the County Sheriff and the <br />leoal officials, Ln lieu of banning all shooting, Seconded by hr. McLean, Carried unanimd.61y. <br />A man in. the audienJoe asked If bow and arrowiunting was allowed in Lino Lakes, Attorney <br />Locher ruled that aocording to Ordinance #27 bow and arrow hunting is allowed in Lino Lakes, <br />The above hearing was closed. <br />The hearing for a rezoning request by ELL. Hehbein and on was continued from the previous <br />rpltin g at 8:35 p,p, Mr, Rehbein was requesting rezoning of a parcel of land near the <br />cemer of Lak:',: Drive and Main Street, from residential to comercial for the purpose of <br />ereting three apartment buildings containing 36 units each. Only one building will be <br />built in 19 a with plaln for one building each year in 1972 and 1973, <br />Mr Lecher stated that all the '2ogal reRuirements had been met and read the list of <br />mailings for the public hearing, <br />Mr, McLean read two letters from hr. VanHousen . . whioh are attached to these minutes and <br />labeled az Exhibits A and P. These letters contained objections to the plasu for the <br />partments, <br />Mr. Rehbein presented a Report on Plans and tentative appal of his sewage plant from the <br />Lianosota Department of Health. This report is attaohed to these minutes as Exhibit C & C-1, <br />M. Rehbein plans to start building n early 1971. Each building will have two 4-inch wells. <br />All the roads and parking lots will be private, none pablio, Road surfacing will depend on <br />the time ox year of installation, Mr, Gotwald stated the minim road surEace should be <br />at least two-inoh asphalt over an adequate base, Mr. Rehbein agreed to this, <br />The limited access to Highway 0 was discussed. Mr. Rehbein stated the County had no <br />objeotha to the 60 driveway on Highway 8, Lino Lakes does not have an Ordinance covering <br />road access, There is actually mere than a 60 width beoause Highway 8 is at an angle, <br />Mr. Gotwald mentioned that after the projec is completed the driveway exiting on Main <br />Street would probably be 1Wre widely used than the dviveway on Highway 8, <br />Mr Gotwalds comments comerning the project are attached as Exhibit D, This letter covers <br />torm water flow, wells and pumps, parking lot and roads, elevation, sewage and landsaping, <br />The Board also dlscuased these items and brought up the fact that the State would have to <br />inopea the sewage disposal periedicelly thu5 t.aking the matter somewhat out of Village hands <br />sinwe thE State had approved the system. <br />leharin.,:d in Ua audience whose property aht..ttiid tie propcsed rezoning wondered if there <br />rare rc::.fiions ac to how -1o3e the draLu field coAd be to the property line, Mr. Got <br />ad s:_,;od it ';0=1.1d ',..1e no closer than 20 feot and taat he would contac_t Rehbein.'„, <br />410 ol-see e.-1(1 zasc,: 31re the ch'aill field wouLd 'oa at laast 3O away from the property line <br />1i ;a5 old° n-Jted that on the plz7.he a sdos. 1.Ts ;Jaed over a drain fiela. Thic will <br />1:,,