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04-12-2001 Charter Minutes
2001 Minutes
04-12-2001 Charter Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Charter Commission <br /> April 12, 2001 <br /> Page 3 <br /> items will appear in the final budget this year. <br /> Commissioner Aldentaler arrived at 7:21 p.m. <br /> Mr.-Rolek stated the engineer has prepared several feasibility studies for road-improvements for <br /> the coming two year period which will be put before the Council and incorporated into this <br /> document. As a matter of course, staff will plan beyond that time period. <br /> Mr. Rolek then presented the capital budget, 5-year funding for public services program, and <br /> capital improvement program. He noted the summary page which summarized the various <br /> departments and funding required for the capital improvements outlined in the plan. He noted <br /> the need for flexibility in the plan to allow for emergencies while planning for the future. <br /> Commissioner Trehus stated the Charter Commission should keep tabs on this document during <br /> the budget proceedings and ask for a copy of the approved plan for the January 2002 meeting. <br /> Commissioner Montain suggested the Commission follow the course of that process,perhaps, <br /> requesting a progress report during July or August. <br /> Chair Sullivan agreed and suggested that discussion occur after Mr. Rolek's discussion about the <br /> possibility of forming a committee to address those issues. <br /> Mr. Rolek stated staff looks forward to making improvements to the 5-year plan. He noted that <br /> time and energy will have to be dedicated to completing this plan to assure it is a good working <br /> document. <br /> Commissioner Montain stated he understands it needs to be refined but it is difficult for the <br /> Charter Commission to be patient since this document has been under review for four years and <br /> is not yet adopted. Mr. Rolek stated he understands that frustration but his tenure at Lino Lakes <br /> has been short and he has not had a great deal of time to spend on the 5-year plan. He stated he <br /> has now been through one budget cycle and two audits so he will be able to spend more time on <br /> the plan to work towards the end of completing a meaningful and viable document. <br /> Commissioner G. Lane asked if the 5-year plan will be in place by the first of the year. Mr. <br /> Rolek stated he hopes it will be done in conjunction with the budget and adopted shortly ahead <br /> of the budget or just after that process. <br /> Commissioner G. Lane asked if this plan is heavily weighted on all Department Heads to provide <br /> the numbers. Mr. Rolek stated the numbers are the last thing that comes into the plan since staff <br /> first needs to determine what is needed in the way of infrastructure,equipment replacement, and <br /> other items. After that is determined,the numbers, depreciation, and amortization schedules are <br /> then added. <br /> Commissioner G. Lane noted this is a huge project. Mr. Rolek agreed it is a large project but not <br /> insurmountable. <br /> 3 <br />
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