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04-12-2001 Charter Minutes
2001 Minutes
04-12-2001 Charter Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Charter Commission <br /> April 12, 2001 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Mr. Rolek continued his review of the project schedules and revenue program. In response to <br /> Chair Sullivan,Mr.Rolek explained that the revenue would be funds the City expects to receive <br /> including taxes and debt levy. However, in this budget it just includes the general fund portion. <br /> Mr. Rolek stated the sum total of all revenues on those two pages for the budget year 2000 <br /> anticipated receiving$5.5 million in year 2000 to operate the City's general purposes. As it <br /> turned out,that was a fair assumption. He advised that revenues exceeded expenditures by about <br /> 2%. <br /> Commissioner G. Lane asked if the City is operating "hand to mouth" or operating well enough <br /> to be able to replace the deteriorating infrastructure when the need arises. Mr. Rolek stated the <br /> City has a ways to go on that and there are financial constraints. He stated that needs grow as the <br /> City grows. But, sometimes it takes a while for financial resources to catch up to that growth. <br /> He stated he does not think the City is operating"hand to mouth" and advised that planning for <br /> those events is "key." <br /> Commissioner Montain stated the 5-year plan has been presented before but always seems to be <br /> dropped before it is adopted. He noted the plan includes replacement of trucks and copiers but <br /> he is concerned that the infrastructure and roads are also addressed He explained that part of the <br /> Charter is to plan ahead and give thought to development to prevent "leap frogging." <br /> Unfortunately,the City has not always planned well enough for street or utility construction. He <br /> stated he had thought the 5-year plan would include so many miles of street reconstruction <br /> pending approval. He stated he also thought park improvements and park referendum would <br /> have been included. <br /> Mr. Rolek agreed those items should be addressed in the 5-year plan and are being addressed by <br /> staff. But they have not yet been included in the plan. He reiterated this information is just part <br /> of the plan and this is not the full document. Mr. Rolek noted the City's Charter relies on <br /> referendum or 100% assessment to do roads so additional planning is needed. He assured the <br /> Charter Commission that roads will be included in the 5-year plan. <br /> Commissioner Montain stated he just wants to assure that staff completes this document so a <br /> partial document is not presented again next year. <br /> Commissioner Trehus asked how it goes from draft plan to real plan. Mr. Rolek stated this plan <br /> will be revised during the budget process and they will look at not only the current year budget <br /> and operating budget,but also the capital needs for the coming five years when they will be <br /> refined, revised, and incorporated into this document When the budget document is adopted, he <br /> expects the 5-year plan will be prepared and the Council will review and adopt at that time or <br /> shortly after that time. <br /> Chair Sullivan noted there is a need for public hearings as well. <br /> Kim Sullivan,resident,noted that Mr. Rolek has indicated that issues like road replacement are <br /> being addressed by staff. She asked how they are being addressed and if staff is saying those <br /> 2 <br />
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