i'-orceting of the Lino 1.,,aes Planning and Zoning 1':d held ch january 201, 1971
<br />ads cslIod to eracr by Chairman McLean at 8:1',3; Nembers present were Mr, Eill, Mr Karth,
<br />LATing e card-',;,.7.1, to to the fact that a. power pole had been
<br />hnocad dewn and there were no lights at the Village Mall these minutes will be short and
<br />to
<br />er„ Lill to occoet the lEinutes of ths Dace:ibor 3970, meeting as presented, Secended
<br />dnrth„ C,arricd.•
<br />w,as once a.,;ai7.. to riocuse tho 1J 0igh Peridt The Colma..1,-t.
<br />said it is,-,possiblo to rearrange the
<br />pr-, siL'h as thej are desiqad by the: moiu office anci could see no other alternative
<br />id,ed goid:, -to no .c.9 The has put uo on the freoway 2,ndicatinr "food ar,2:si
<br />s'tf:LL did no tho 65' in the ordinance and
<br />Can. oet tho J1 v.3 airstrip oloso te location,
<br />to resemnv:.:,nd to -the .1,,,ouncil that tney within. cur Ordinance and deny
<br />acolication :239 for Skolly Oil, Seconded by T.:4r, unanimous:1Y,,
<br />2:12 111.-J?„ hinters wishod to dissuos the idea of scparate.sine he would have to mali:e a new
<br />application and be resohojeled at a
<br />lerlin Loath apl.::edred to discuss variances for t=t,c.', .Ea210 H 110
<br />Otesorition '2,1J:27V, The. lots ars (:5 6 caa oZ :Lordtinc's Addition„ each being
<br />Ptreot, 'eut not sceeted. fer fsll ....-aintenance as it does not. rc,ect
<br />fl.c.w inaLTtenhce. For building perit purposes it is npt
<br />n order to b,•como etroot the property
<br />ownors have to. potition •the Council. to m.c..!.s.c -.1.,JpraTements, but nest will not sign a
<br />2etitin se they wou.1-d be ZOr ,2:r.J.."'.:CMC.:".1..tt The Ceuncil could force the improve-
<br />assoss Pro:-.,v
<br />told Loath there were no provisions rc,, a building por.lit on au unimprove
<br />Ktr. 1 onlderod parti:,:e.lar aceldt ono. houz3c im-ad boon. bufiat wdthin the last, si-o:
<br />Tho Board had no knowlcdLe of this houso.
<br />Ordinanee22„ Se,..tion 16 allows for pr e1 mayintonanoo of roads for roads which 'lave - .o:ct boc:n
<br />cptod f?r full iraintenanoso It was peint out that come roads in. the Villags -ouchas
<br />Acroz and Macle St„ should. be brought up Villase specifications.
<br />It w133 not that as lonz 2s Napie was rceeivius: partial maintenance, if a variance and
<br />iit were Trant:,,d it could be stated on the 6se..;:, that streets would so:qe day be Unproved
<br />and cwnors would be assessed for ie-provoments. !:fordinils -v,ss platted before 1953
<br />so lot size l'iou3L not ecoessaril',..i h:-.4a to com..11y to cur przeant recniro,lont of 1125C soo
<br />let, Th-,se tvo lets wculd be a'..,out 909)4 3qn ..;:ach„ (11.ppitI3 iS
<br />discusoiono)
<br />ie Lod c1rd uottinr,: a precedent if variances were granted for these 2 lots hut
<br />Locher statod that futnre Ccu•cils would not be olligated to any actions of the present
<br />1Y:rolling felt the had two ways to t.her a flat "no" for the above reasons,
<br />02. t0 1C:;i1 that they grant a varian,ce with the condition ,.hLIL the roads 7A1 l
<br />1efiniteljr. bo 7.1.nr:rovr.i. by Codhcil action. I.xo Locher- felt thp. pro-vision should be added
<br />property 13 advised in writing that in the fUture theymay be assessed
<br />111111e 11,61 to p:et a. legal dfv::cription and pointd out the fees
<br />0.otainin7 a wni.s.uco. [oeh..or that tho under-s•zed ioLc, could also
<br />no • a 13 13 unimproved ..,(1,•® Mr. Heath vill look