The, hej. received a letter freiq Thomas Goff repuesting a orivate range for his-
<br />ewn acres of .7::ooded land rear Otter Lake hoad. The letter explained the petitioners char--
<br />c::. en End stated that he would. be the only one using the rine., range and for
<br />4,r,Let practice only. Mr. LcLe:in. had cc: ed 1:±t h both adjoining property .owners and both
<br />s'e,-'jected.. to tlie mlfle range. Mr. Helling t,;:at if thi permit 7were granted he
<br />e t7ne net in line '1,rith,. a request. . The Eoa:i.:d. felt this .!(7,4.11d just be the
<br />and they would be flooded with reeueets for private rifle ranes. Mr. Hill pointed
<br />ent se the village is :::rowinz in poen:lotion wo shenld be restricting our use of fire
<br />inst of s:.,.1•panJng
<br />to r6c=end to the Coencil thot they deny a pen.lit to Mr. Thomas Coff for
<br />fatle for reasons stated a:beve, Soc,,:;2ded by Kelling,, Carried.
<br />7f,-a,,en presented several Fole the Board might consider for 1971. The items listed
<br />bsle be diecuesed flIrther at the next Loid metingc,
<br />an,3 ree,=-,d revisions by October, 1971 .
<br />er ts o-mpty,
<br />euch ac barqc relracs shd zt.,-)rag,e structures. Oir, Locher
<br />t'net is ccn.72.el iu a Stat!fte but the Village could
<br />on A:fl,ua-lcil. the rnused car and ITI:achine:-.7 ordinance.
<br />folIoup detz:,i1.-; as by the Attorney and P:.ariaer
<br />o Y,00ing Cls±f±cahLn Cirdjy5Inco.
<br />1?::.rticipatu Pla,:lner co,;:i;roher,..:,. n.Ln Letively d.uriij the year.
<br />6. wi,..;11 the Col3nc.;i1 the mobil c:i cou-2t study :o firm up a Village position.
<br />114 Gjnt,in'od Public hEring for Lee C. Snith was opened. at 9:30 p.m, Mr. Fmith wa2 not presen'
<br />5r, Lod' ': j all then.oeossary legal recpirements. Mr. McLem read a letter sent to Mr,„
<br />om .t;h::! Village Clerk it the rules of this continued hearing as set forth by the
<br />g kaanci.1,, Mr. Sloith had called Mr. McLean earlier in the evening and stated that he had
<br />1 !othing to present. Superior Gulf Oil had exercised their option on the property already
<br />zoned o7;mercial for erection of a gas station and possibly a restaurant.
<br />Mr, Hill moved. to recommend to Cho Council that they deny rezoning entirely to Mr. Sllith
<br />thi_s tic on the basiFi of nonconformance and discontinue the present hearings. Seconded
<br />by Mr. Ir,arth„ Metfbon carrisd
<br />The election of a chairman and vice-chaman was the next item of business. Mr. Kelling
<br />EoVed to nonato Mr. MoLean as Chaimln of the Pinnning and Zoning Board for the year 1971,
<br />col.,Zod by L.r. liartho Mr. hill amencled the motion to close nominations, Seconded by Mr.
<br />Doth carric=d .
<br />moved nomdnate Jiya HUI as Vice Ohaiman of the P= for the year 1971. Sec-
<br />nded ftT- Mae,. Ke:rth,. Mcliaau emended the mcoYien to close nomftnations seconded by Mr.
<br />Poth n:otiene
<br />Y that he had been notified by a public health official of a four-plex
<br />ft]::'0:7t of loute. Huge5 that had sewage bubbling up in the yardg garbage around the
<br />1 r, Ii_ot,ric cords laying en the wet groundp and bugs and mice in the house,„ The
<br />efficial had Sent four previous notices,. Mr. Locher had failed to contact the owner
<br />hone o 3vd sont a Ho will bring the rater to the Councils 'attention at the
<br />Teetinc.
<br />next aannfng and Zoning B„„ard meeting is scheduled for Wednesdayf, February 17 at
<br />1111.r. laCiVe,.1 to adjourn. at 10 p4m, • seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried.