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03/17/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/17/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board of March 17th, 1971 <br />was called to order at 8:05 by Mr. McLean with all members present. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to accept the minutes of the February 17th meeting as <br />written. Seconded by Mr. Rehbein. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal's report on the Metro Park was deferred until later. <br />No old business. <br />Mr. Jerry Johnson and Mr. Bud Sauter appeared before the Board for information <br />regarding the up grading of Orange Street in Nordin Manor. Mr. Sauter <br />stated that he has the equipment and would prefer to do this work himself <br />and would ask the present property owners to share the cost. Ato present, <br />Orange Street is not a Village - Street but Mr. Sauter stated that upon <br />completion it would be dedicated to the Village. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Rehbein to recommend to the Council that they have <br />Mr. Gotwald contact Mr. Sauter to give him specifications necessary to <br />bring the street up to Village standards. Seconded by Mr. Kelling. <br />Carried. <br />Mr. Roy Stanley appeard before the Board requesting re- zoning to commercial <br />for his property located beyond the present 300ft commercial strip. He was <br />told to present a plat, a topography map and include possiable usage. <br />Also, to get a copy of Ord. 21C from Clerk. <br />Dwane Cardinal inquired about getting a permit to build a house behind <br />the V.F.W. building. He was told that would need a survey and information <br />on the street presently there. <br />Mr. Cardinal presented his report on the Metro Park. Our Engineer and <br />Planner working separtely from the Anoka Park Planner had each presented <br />a Park Plan. They were within 100 acres of each other. The map presented <br />by Mr. Cardinal located the Park much farther North and Fast of the <br />orignal plan. The concensus of the Board was that if that was to be all <br />that was included in the Park, then we should forget about the whole thing. <br />They felt that both Planners were excluding too much sub - marginal land <br />that could be developed for Park purposes. Mr. Cardinal stated that most <br />people from Centerville were against a Park in any form. They have scheduled <br />a meeting with the Metro Park Board for March 29th. ( *). Mr. Rehbein <br />felt that the map presented was not Mr. VanHousens'. W. Kelling <br />felt that the Park was an opportunity for our Village to move ahead and <br />since we didn't have the funds to develope this land that we should not pass <br />up this chance for advancement. <br />There was discussion concerning the Planning and Zoning Board being more <br />informed as to the planning of this Park. Mr. Kelling moved to recommend <br />to the Council that in the future the Planning and Toning Board be <br />apprised of any plans affecting the usage of lands, so they could work <br />more with the Park Board and the Council. Seconded by Ur. Karth, Carried. <br />We have since been informed that this meeting is scheduled for Mar. 22nd.
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