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04/21/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/21/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board held on April 21, <br />1971 was called to order at 8:04 P.M. by Chairman John McLean. Other members <br />present were Messrs. Husnik, Karth, Hill and Rehbein. Absent: Jester end Kelling. <br />Also present were Council Liaison Cardinal and Attorney Locher. Village Clerk <br />Mrs. Emerton took the minutes. <br />Mr. Hill moved to approve the minutes of the March 17th meeting as presented with <br />only typographical corrections to be made. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Winfield West, Plumbing Inspector, had been invited to answer questions on <br />plastic pipe. Mr. Cardinal noted that comments had been made that since Lino Lakes had <br />adopted the Minnesota Plumbing Code which allows the use of plastic pipe, that it <br />was allowed here; also, someone had stated that Mr. West had told them they could <br />use it. Mr. McLean pointed out Section A of Ordinance No. 53 which stated that the <br />use of plastic pipe or orangeburg shall not be allowed. <br />Mr. West stated that 3 contractors had asked about plastic pipe in the last month, <br />all of them saying that the builder had told them to figure their cost using plastic <br />pipe; they had been told that the ordinance would be changed to allow it. He noted <br />that St. Paul, Roseville, Shoreview, North St. Paul, and Maplewood do not allow it. <br />Also, he definitely had not told anyone they could use plastic pipe in Lino Lakes. <br />There was discussion on various grades and usages of the plastic pipe. Mr. West <br />noted that Schedule 40 pipe is allowed in the State Code but since it is quite <br />expensive, contractors substitute cheaper grades; the Wausau modular homes are <br />coming out with copper pipe now, <br />It was the consensus of the Board that a good, non - expandable, grade of plastic pipe <br />will be developed in the future, but we should wait to adopt its usage until it is <br />accepted by a recognized authority, also that the Board and the Plumbing Inspector <br />exist to protect the homeowner, not the contractor. <br />Mr. Rehbein moved to recommend to the Council that we leave the plumbing code as <br />it stands for the time being. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Carried unanimously. Mr. <br />West noted that he had intended to quit a few months back but changed his mind when <br />he found that he had the backing of the Council and the P & Z Board, He stated <br />that the plastic pipe was permitted for use in sprinkling systems. <br />Keith Apitz stepped forward to request permission to build a garage and install <br />gas pumps for a filling station. Mr. Apitz was told that he must comply with the <br />requirements of Ord. 21C and Ord. 55; also, that rezoning was necessary since his <br />previous limited rezoning (Ord. 6T) does not allow this type of business. He was <br />instructed to call Mr. Gotwald about the plans; the Clerk will mail him copies <br />of 21C & 55, as well as a rezoning petition form. <br />Richard Zelinka presented a letter requesting approval to erect a number of green- <br />houses for use in "Magic Garden" vegetable growing. Mr. Zelinka gave details and <br />literature on the project. The plan is for Lot 7 in And. Sub. 54 which contains <br />a 300 foot commercial strip along Hwy. 49. He inquired whether rezoning to <br />commercial for an additional 300 foot strip would be necessary since the type of <br />business is agricultural. He could put the office and sales rooms on Lot 6 which <br />is across the highway in the commercial zone. There was considerable discussion, <br />Mr. Locher stated that he considered this type of business to be agricultural, but <br />in order to be safe from neighbor's complaints, Mr, Zelinka should rezone the <br />remainder of the property to commercial.
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