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04/21/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/21/1971 P&Z Minutes
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6/1/2022 3:55:14 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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2- <br />Mr. Husnik moved to recommend to the Council that the P&Z sees no problem as far as <br />land use for Mr. Zelinka since there is a 300 ft. commercial strip; that Mr. <br />Zelinka should comply with Ord. 21C for building placement, landscaping, etc.; that <br />Mr. Zelinka eppribach Mr. Gotwald for guidance in tailoring his plans to Village <br />requirements. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. George Smith and Miss Sanflra Dobryanow approached the Board to request assigning <br />Mr.Smith's special use permit for the Lino Lakes Riding Stable on Birch Street over <br />to Miss Dobryanow. Miss Dobryanow stated that she would not be going into <br />partnership with Rick O'Connell as originally planned. She stated that her father <br />had operated a stable; that she planned to have about the same number of head as <br />Smith had and would cater to church and Scout groups. Persons in the audience <br />commented that at present the fences were down and the horses were on other <br />property and on public roads. Mr. Smith agreed that the fences were all broken <br />down. Miss Dobryanow stated that she bought new electric fence and posts and would <br />keep the horses confined until the fences were fixed. There was discussion on <br />insurance and fencing. <br />Mr. Karth moved to recommend to the Coucil that they approved the transferring of <br />the Special use permit from George Smith to Miss Sandra Dobryanow with the stipulation <br />that the horses be contained in a small area until all fences are secure so, that <br />the neighbors won't be infringed upon. If there are any more complaints, then <br />the special use permit with its original attachments should be revoked after n <br />hearing. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean commented on the zoning classification ordinance which Mr. Locher has <br />been studying. Mr. Locher stated that he had understood that the P&Z were to have <br />submitted a map in conjunction with the classification, but had been informed that <br />this would be done by the Engineer and Planner after its adoption. <br />Mr. Locher stated that Mr. Van Housen had noted that a section on radio, T.V. <br />and transmission towers should be added to the classification later or in a <br />separate ordinance; this concerns the disposition of the land under such towers <br />after they are torn down. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he had questions on some definitions; after discussion on <br />each point, the Board agreed on the following: <br />1. Definition of a farm - -any tract of land 5 acres or greater. <br />2. The minimum frontage for s 5 -acre tract to be 300 feet. <br />3. Referral will be made to Ord. 52 for fees connected with zoning procedures. <br />4. Classification R7 will be eliminated; R6 will denote mobile home parks. <br />5. Planned unit development will have no number, but will be known as P.U.D. <br />6. Require special use permits for outdoor theatres. <br />7. Add churches under public and semi - public districts. <br />A penalty section, etc., will be added for proper ordinance form. Mr. Locher stated <br />that he would bring the ordinance with the above points to the Council on Monday <br />evening. <br />M ±. Karth inquired about the Federal law requiring that billboards along freeways <br />be set back 600 feet and thought that we should, look _at renewals for freewgy signs <br />which haven't been erected yet. This was discussed. <br />Me. Locher stated that in order to avoid s lawsuit Lino Lakes should draft an <br />ordinance for a burn ban as soon as possible. Mr. McLean noted that the matter had <br />not been referred to the P&Z and didn't concern them since it didn't cover land <br />use or buildings. Mr. Locher mentioned the ordinance recently drafted by Ham Lake
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