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05/19/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/19/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board held on <br />May 19, 1971, was called to order by Chairman John McLean at 8:05 P.M.. <br />Other members present were Messrs. Hill, Karth, Jester, and Rehbein. <br />Members absent: Husnik and Kelling. Also present were Attorney Locher <br />and Council Liaison Cardinal. <br />The motion was made to accept the minutes of the April meeting as presented. <br />Motion was made and seconded. Carried unanimously. <br />Oscar Ramberg of the Northwest Saddle Club asked for a building permit and <br />a trailer permit. He was told he could get the building permit from Mr. <br />Dupre, Lino Lakes Building Inspector. Mr. Karth moved to recommend to the <br />Village Council that they give issuance of the building permit and trailer <br />permit for 90 days. He was also told that the permit can be renewed under <br />the provisions of Ordinance 6Q. The motion was seconded and carried <br />unanimously. <br />Ken Rehbein asked for a variance involving 14 feet on the back line of some <br />property to be purchased by Adrian Johnson. It was mentioned that a fee of <br />25.00 would be needed at the next council meeting. The property is the <br />northerly 107 feet of the westerly 100 feet of Government Lot No. 3, Section <br />20, T31, R22, Anoka County, Minnesota. Mr. Rehbein made a motion that we <br />recommend to the Council that they give a variance to less than 2 1/2 acres <br />to Mrs. Elsie Wenzel for property that was the old Village Hall. Seconded <br />by W. Hill. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr, and Mrs Bob Lundgren asked for a variance for some property on Holly Drive <br />for lots of under 2 1/2 acres in size. The survey can not be completed until <br />Anoka County puts in survey posts. A description of the property was <br />received from Mr. and Mrs. Lundgren. Beginning at a point 930 feet from <br />the Southeast corner of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, Section 33, Township 31, North <br />Range 22 West. Then north along the east line and center of road 175 feet. <br />Then West parallel with the South line of said NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 for 198 feet. <br />Then South to join NW corner of lot owned by Mr. (and) or Mrs. Joan (Laske) <br />Dahl 930 feet from South line of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4. Mr. Jester moved to <br />recommend to the Council theta variance for less than 2 1/2 acres be granted <br />to the above mentioned people for the above described property, subject to <br />rec&ept of proper certificate of survey. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />A hearing on the Keith Apitz rezoning under Ordinance 6TA was held. Mr. <br />Locher read the ordinance concerning commercial property. It was reported <br />that notices had been mailed to all residents within 300 feet of the area <br />involved. Notice had also been posted -in three places in the village and <br />also published in the Forest Lakes Times. A $100 check was received from <br />Keith Apitz to cover the deposit fee. W. McLean read the letter from W. <br />Van Housen to Mrs. Emerton and the letter from Mrs. Emerton to Mr. Apitz asking <br />that he present more detailed plans. Mr. McLean suggested that we continue <br />the hearing for 30 days and mail notices out to adjoining land owners again. <br />Mr. Hill moved that we continue the hearing until the June 16th P&Z meeting <br />subject to the conditions set forth by Mr. Van Housen on the Apitz rezoning. <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried.
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