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09/15/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/15/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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945-71 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order at 8 :05 P.M, by Mr. Kelling. Mr McLean arrived a few minutes <br />later and then all Members were.present,. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the minutes of 848/71 as written. .Seconded by-Wk. <br />Husnik. Carried unanimously. <br />There were three application for sign permits by Naegele.Outdoor Adv. Co. to <br />be considered. #111 was for an illuminated -sign to be placed at the.inter- <br />section of Highways 35W and 14. Mr. Gotwald had approved it for location. <br />Mr. Kelling moved it be approved on the ok of the Engineer. Seconded by Mr. <br />Jester. Carried unanimously. <br />112 was for an illuminated sign to be planed at the intersection of Highways <br />35E and 80th St., on Mr. L'Allier's property. This would be with four surer <br />faces, 300 sq. ft. each. Mr. Gotwald had approved it for location. *, <br />Rehbein moved it be approved. Seconded by Mr. Korth. Carried unanimously. <br />113 was for an illuminated sign to be placed at the intersection of Highways <br />35E and 14, on the property of Francis E. Bernier. This would be with four <br />surfaces, 300 eq. ft. each. Mr. Gotwald had approved it for location. MO. <br />Husnik moved it be approved. Seconded by Mr. Korth. Carried unanimously. <br />It was noted that an individual building a residence and doing his own pluMb» <br />ing installation doesn't need a plumbing permit, whereas a contractor does. <br />logy problems have arisen over this for'often when that residence is then -sold <br />it doesn't meet the building Specs. Mr. Cardinal stated he felt there should <br />be a plumbing fee right along with the bilding permit. The question was <br />asked as to how much this fee might amount to It was noted it depends {on <br />the madber of openings. It was estimated it would probably be around $10.00. <br />There are problem areas in the village and private persona don't always build <br />adeeqque_lte1y. Mr. Kelling moved that it be recommended to the Council that <br />administration attach plmnbing, sewage and building permits, to be issued, at <br />the same time. Seconded' by Mr. Hill. Carried unanimously. <br />There wee discussion as to how this might be carried out. It was suggested <br />that these perffiits might be applied for through the Clerk. The building <br />inspector would still issue permits. It would simply go through the Clerk to <br />the plumbing and building inspectors. It was suggested that the Council could <br />take care of time administrative end. We would juat recommend to them. The <br />question was raised as to whether the permits could be granted jointly in a <br />package. Mr. McLean moved that the Council check into this and see how other <br />villages handle this problem. Seconded by Mr. Korth. Carried unanimously. <br />Crystal Ahlman stated that from a real estate point of view this was a.good <br />change to make. People doing their own plumbing installation should still <br />abide by the staidards. She asked if there is any provision for dry water <br />lines to be dropped in with sewer lines? She felt this would take care of e <br />lot of problems in the future. It would save individuals Money and she telt <br />soffie action should be taken sooner instead of waiting until we are presented <br />with the problem. <br />Mr. McLean read the letter from Mr: Van Housen of August 24, 1971, in reference <br />to Screen or Street Planting, Mr. Van Housen suggested green ash or soft <br />maple be planted around Molin Concrete Building and Apitz Garage as screen. <br />Mr. Rehbein felt ash is not a screening tree. In winter there would be no
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