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09/15/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/15/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Sept 15, 1971 •.. Page 2 <br />coverage. Evergreen grows better than any other. It was felt that three <br />deep off set or something along this line would be good. It was definitely <br />felt that three sides have tree coverage, especially the side facing the <br />cemetery. All were in agreement. Mr. Cardinal suggested the County Agent <br />be contacted as to what makes good wind break and screening. Some are <br />faster growing, more dense and better noise buffers* The Highway-Dept. is <br />preparing a list of trees that grow well along highways right now. It was <br />suggested we loot at this list at any hearing in the future. It was decided <br />there could be no hard and fast rule, each case must be dealt with individually. <br />Mr. Rehbein moved that they recommend to the Council that they have the <br />County Agent or an appropriate nurseryman confer with them and Molin about <br />appropriate trees that should be planted. Seconded by Mr. Hill, Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean read a Petition, signed by local residents, doted Sept. llth, <br />referring to the problem of hunters, junk and marsh along Marshan Lake & Lane. <br />Mr. Low from One Shot Gun Club, located between Morahan and George Watch <br />Lakes, noted that they use 1/4 mile between these two lakes. Their property <br />is posted. They attempt to have someone there at all times during hunting <br />season. He said t = are trespassers from time to time though, and they are <br />the only ones who == f= get in trouble there. He stated they would be happy <br />to cooperate with any policing of the area. They would welcome any kind of <br />plan to make Marshan Lane a private or semi - private road. He requested a <br />regulation and that their Club might be heard and their property be exempted <br />from any blanket restrictions that might be made. He felt their legitimate <br />hunting wasn't detrimental to residents. <br />Mr. Walter Husniki/€ leases the property right across from Lino Tavern just <br />for hunting. There is about 1/4 mile from the highway to the Lake. He said <br />the muck and marsch is good for hunting. His son also was heard. They stated <br />they do post for no trespassers. <br />Mrs. Swanson stated that the Gun Club has never given the residents any <br />trouble. She says the private road access is a problem. She says there are <br />hunters along the lake, on their land, and that the lake itself is a real <br />problem with the children. Her husband even had a bullet go past his head <br />while working on the roof of their home. She stated the Lake is so low there <br />just isn't water on it anymore. She and the residents of her area feel it <br />is dangerous. She felt there must be a regulation as to the distance people <br />could hunt from population. She did note that trespassers were a big prob- <br />lem, but something must be done. <br />Mr. McLean questioned why P&Z was being approached with this problem. He <br />felt it was a Council problem. There were several suggestions given to these <br />people. One was that One Shot Gun Club and the residents at the end of <br />Morahan Lane could put up a gate. This would be good for the land and people. <br />Or they all might sign an informal agreement that there be no shooting <br />parallel with the lake. Another thing might be to educate hunters in that <br />area. It was recommended that Mrs. Swanson present her problem and Petition <br />to the Council for further discussion and action. <br />Crystal Ahlmap asked what was now the procedure for making application for a <br />mobile home permit. She was told to check the Zoning Code and Atty. Locher. <br />Mr, Glenn Rehbein asked to be an abstaining member and spoke on behalf of
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