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10/20/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/20/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />order at 8 :01 P.M. by Mr. McLean. All members were present with the exception <br />of Mr. Kelling, who was hospitalized. <br />The following corrections were made to the September 15th minutes: <br />1, Page 2, peragranh 3, lire 5, the word "coed" is mispe; .led. <br />2, Page 2, peregi ph 4, line 1, delete the word "he ". <br />3. Page 3, paregraph 1, line 11, "would this" should be inverted 10 "this <br />would." <br />4. Pege 3, pabcg aph , line 12, after words x!; difficulty. ", add "with this <br />suggestion„" <br />Mr, Hill moved t3 accept the minutes of the September 15th meeting, except for <br />the deviations, Seconded by Mr. Jester. Carried unanimously. <br />There wes one application for sign permit by Naegele Outdoor Adv. Co., to be <br />considered, #114 was for an illuminated sign to be placed on Mr. L Allier's <br />prcpeity at the corners of 35E and 80th St, This would be with four surfaces, <br />300 in ft, each, MIr, Gotwald had approved it for location. Mr. Jester moved <br />it be approved, seconded by Mr, Hill. Carried unanimously. <br />Ordinence #53 was refered to by Mr, Locher as it pertains to our situation re- <br />garding using plastic pipe in plumbing, He stated that the State preempts the <br />Code. We have to either accept it or put it to a test in the Supreme Court, <br />Mr. Locher talked with the attorney of St Paul. Be didn't know if they were <br />going to contest it or not. Villages have no rights to administer their own <br />situations, they can only levy fees, Mr, Jester reported that the Governor <br />has appointed a 19 member committee to go over the new plumbing and heating <br />code and they should be reporting beck in 60 days. Mr Jester moved to table <br />this issue for 60 days until results of the committee investigating this st'te <br />cede are made public. Seconded by Mr. Karth, Carried unanimously. It wes <br />recommended that this be called up again in two months in order to check the <br />status, <br />Mr. Rehbein asked to speak as an abstaining member. He presented a request <br />for variance on a parcel of land less than 2 1/2 acres. He has obtained e <br />building permit for a model home using an entire 40 acre section as a legal <br />description; he wished to get a variance to put up another model hone, Mr. <br />Van Housen has checked over all the plans. He will do his own sewer and street <br />construction and will put up a bond for the finished streets. He will be re- <br />taining ownership and ultimately plot it as lot 5, Mr. Karth moved to re-- <br />commend to the Council that they grant Glenn Rehbein a variance for the <br />construction of a model home on proposed lot 5, Block 2, Glenrae Estates. <br />Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rehbein asked if there was any set system for naming streets. He was told <br />it is open as long as there is no duplication. Mr. Jandric had an extensive <br />list. It was also suggested that the County Surveyor might have a proposed <br />system. <br />Mr. McLean had received a letter, dated August 31, 1971, from R. A. Matthews, <br />of Roseville. Be asked about the possibility of raising game fish in ponds <br />on the East shore of Lake Peltier. He wondered if it conflicted with planning
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