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10/20/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/20/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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2 10/20/71 <br />or zonning in that area. Members felt that two things would have a bearing. <br />It would be a commercial operation in a residential area and also the St. Paul <br />Waterworks might be involved. It was recommended that this be referred to the <br />Council as to exact location, etc., and then they can refer it to the Environ- <br />mental Quality group or whoever they see fit, <br />A Variance was applied for by Marvin Hamacher and Marvin LeTendre, on Lot #7 <br />of Golden's Rice Lake Terrace, 6935 Lake Drive. The zoning code stipulates <br />setbacks along thoroughfares of 40 feet. A Mr. Richard Olson owns a home <br />situated on Lot #5, with a setback of 18 feet, built before the present code. <br />If they were to comply with the 40 feet limit; it would be necessary for them <br />to fill in a swampy area behind them. They est:t.mate it would amount to ex- <br />penses of maybe $8,000 to $10,000. They indicated they had a verbal building <br />permit with W. Dupre. He indicated to them that with commercial property <br />they could build up to the line. They would like to get started as soon as <br />possible since it could snow anytime. The building has already been ordered <br />and is waiting to be set up. They maintain drainage is no problem since the <br />building would sit two feet higher than the road grade. They were informed <br />they should have submitted 10 sets of plans 10 days ahead. They indicated they <br />already have the state permit and its culverted in already. The members were <br />sympathetic as to the time element involved and the fact that they had not <br />been properly informed by a village official. It was recommended that if they <br />got a topographical survey and all the necessary paper work taken care of they <br />might submit it to the Council at their next meeting. Mr. Rehbein moved to <br />recommend to the Council that they allow this variance of an 18 feet set back <br />equal with houses on the north side, at 6935 Lake Drive. Seconded by Mr. Jectex <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to recommend to the Council that Skyline Auto Body proposed <br />building be approved for issuance of building permit based on the applicants <br />ability to adhere to the zoning codes that apply, evidenced by Mr. Van Housen <br />and the Village Engineer. Changes being made with the Chairman of P&Z. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jester, Carried unanimously. The two men were advised to have <br />5 copies made to give to the Clerk for the Councilman. <br />Mr. Tressler stepped. forward and asked for a Variance consideration on his <br />property on Rustic Lane in Lakeview. There are two occupied dwellings :0 feet <br />apart. He stated his daughter was married and her husband going to school. <br />He rented them a structure, 14 ft. x 20 ft, (280 sq. ft.) that he fixed up for <br />them. He felt this was a hardship case. It was stated that mobile homes have <br />been allowed several times in the past under hardship cases. These were elderIT <br />terminal cases. Mr. Tressler stated he brought the building in some time age, <br />fixed it up, installed plumbing & a separate septic tank. Mr. Dupre issued <br />him a building permit, but nothing was said about a plumbing permit. He <br />wasn't informed he needed one. He is asking for a 3 year permit for the yonxg <br />people to live there until he is through with school. <br />He was told that the code endeavors to maintain the size of homes in the <br />Village. We must set a precedent. Although he has sufficient land in total - <br />over 3 acres - the 50 feet between buildings and the size of the second struc- <br />ture are just inadequate. Also, there is only one access. W. Rehbein related <br />a time 8 -9 years ago when 3 children burned in a too -small garage home in <br />Lexington, because they couldn't get in to get them out. Mr. Tressler stated <br />this has a big 60 x 60 in. front window so this wouldn't be a problem. He was <br />informed that trailers can be moved off, but this is a permanent structure. <br />It is necessary to be progressive and look ahead. If it is a hardship they
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