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12/15/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/15/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order at 8 :00 P.M., December 15, 1971, by Mr. McLean. All members <br />were present. Mr. Cardinal was absent due to illness. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the minutes of the November 17th meeting as pre- <br />sented. Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Carried unanimously. <br />The applicants requested removal of the sign applications from the Agenda. <br />They asked thlt,they be postponed until February. <br />Mr. Locher advieed he had not had the opportunity to review the new state code <br />for placement of signs. He had talked to the Mayor about it and it.waa felt <br />the revision Wea that they can only be located on commercial or industrial zone <br />areas. It would be expensive to zone a small area, but that might be just the <br />idea. He will check further into this and have a report for the Jantiry meet- <br />ing. Mr, Keith advised that Naegele was to have a meeting with the state on <br />Monday. Mr McLean said he would call Naegele then and see if anything had <br />developed and let Mr. Locher know. <br />There was general discussion as to the square footage allowed in the code book <br />for different dwelling unite. Mr. Kelling felt the 800 ft. code for a single <br />family dwelling was a carry over from en old code. It was to help older and <br />younger couples. Mr. Rehbein thought this was upgraded to about 960 eq. foot <br />at zone time. He felt the minutes would show it although it was never carried <br />over to the code book. Mr. Kelling end Mr. Jester thought they remembered <br />something to this effect too. Mrs. Thiltgen was Clerk at the time. Mr. Kellirl <br />thought some kind of a compromise was needed. A two bedroom dwelling was not <br />necessary for older couples, and the present code makes no provision for any- <br />thing less except in a single family dwelling. <br />It was recommended that the Clerk - Treasurer ask the building inspector if the <br />garage on the Rogalle property had a building permit, and if it is situated <br />right according to the code. <br />There was discussion as to what the sheet metal building is that is on Highway <br />49, on the property next to Dick Olson's house. Did the owner have a permit <br />to put this up, and what is being done back in that swampy area. <br />8:30 Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit for Eugene M. Jerdee and <br />DeLores L. Jerdee, to allow them to operate a small engine repair shop, et 899 <br />West County Rd. J. The Affidavit of Mailing is dated December 3, 1971. M. <br />Jerdee indicated he will sell and service Jacobsen lawn and snowblower equip- <br />ment, but will neither sell nor service snowmobiles. It is not a full time <br />job as he works for the Village of Blaine. He took out a building permit (# <br />245) in September for a pole -type building, but did not put up that sort of <br />structure. He says the sign he has up is 4x2. He has done eadensive grading <br />for lawn and road improvement end plans to fi11 it in in the spring. There <br />had been some question from neighbors as to why he was grading. They had <br />wondered if he planned to expand, and they were wary that this might entail <br />e; great deal of noise. He said it was solely for landscaping purposes. He <br />isn't requesting rezoning, just a special use permit. Mr. Husnick moved to <br />recommend the Special Use Permit be granted to allow them to operate a small <br />engine repair shop, not to include snowmobile engines, and to sell.'lawnmowers, <br />garden tractors and snowblowers, new and used, within the existing buildings, <br />subject to annual inspection as to compliance. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried.
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