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01/09/1991 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/09/1991 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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DESIGN REVIEW BOARD <br />January 9, 1991 <br />Chairperson Fred Chase called the regular meeting of the design <br />review board to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Lino Lakes City Hall. <br />Members present were: Monika Slatten, Fred Chase, John Bergeson, <br />and Al Robinson. Member Absent: Robert King. Also present were: <br />Mayor, Harold Bisel; City Planner, John Miller; City Engineer, Dave <br />Mattei, City Engineer, Brian Bourassa; and Planning Secretary, <br />Laura Elken. <br />Mayor Bisel addressed the board. He thanked the board members for <br />their work in the last year. He said that he realizes their task <br />is not always easy and at times tough issues come before them. He <br />appreciates their work and asked that they keep thinking of <br />possible changes to the ordinances as needed. <br />Mayor Bisel also wanted to personally thank Alan Irwin for his work <br />in amending the zoning ordinance. <br />He hopes that Mr. Chase will remain as Chairperson and Mr. Robinson <br />as Vice - Chairperson for the year 1991. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />Monika Slatten moved to recommend approval of the November design <br />review board minutes as written. John Bergeson seconded the motion <br />and the motion was approved unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR LAKE CREST, APPLICATION <br />#90 -64 AND VARIANCE APPLICATION #90 -67. <br />Lake Crest is a subdivision for single - family homes formerly Lakes <br />Addition #7. It is located north of Birch Street and West of Black <br />Duck Drive. In November this item was on the drb agenda but was <br />tabled due to the fact that the city engineer had several revisions <br />he wished completed. Then in December this was before the drb and <br />at that time the concept plan was approved. The board is now <br />reviewing the preliminary plat with the changes as recommended. <br />Dave Mattei, City Engineer from SEH approached the board. He <br />addressed grading and draining of the site. SEH received soil <br />borings at the site and the water table is high in this area. He <br />stated that this may affect house basement elevations. Some house <br />pads may not be able to have full basements. <br />The park board is proposing to purchase land north east of the plat <br />for park purposes. Mr. Mattei stated that the engineers would like <br />to have input for possible ponding within or near the park. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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