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05/08/1991 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/08/1991 P&Z Minutes
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6/16/2022 10:27:55 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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DESIGN REVIEW BOARD <br />May8, 1991 <br />Chairperson Fred Chase called the regular meeting of the design review board to order <br />at 7:01 p.m. at the Lino Lakes City Hall. Members present were: Al Robinson, John <br />Bergeson, Fred Chase, Robert King and Monika Slatten. Also present was City <br />Engineer, Dan Boxrud; City Planner, John Miller; and Planning Secretary, Laura Elken. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Robert King moved to approve the April DRB minutes. <br />Al Robinson seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mr. Nadeau, 6687 20th Avenue, approached the board. He showed the board a <br />proposed subdivision. There is an area consisting of 80 acres total and divided into <br />eight -10 acre lots. A few lots have been sold. <br />He wants to subdivide a ten acre lot and buy five acres of it and attach it to his lot. <br />After further discussion Mr. Chase stated that this would be creating a non- <br />conforming lot. Mr. Nadeau would have to prove to the board that a variance would <br />be justified. If he can make a reasonable argument to the board for each non <br />conforming parcel then he may present it to the board. Mr. Nadeau will discuss this <br />with Mr. Miller. <br />REVIEW OF CODE OF CONDUCT <br />Bill Hawkins, City Attorney discussed the code of conduct within the city ordinance <br />book. The city council asked that this be reviewed with all board members. <br />The code of conduct is based on standards that must be met by the board members <br />such as: Disclosure of confidential information, gifts, private interests, privileges, city <br />property, and equal treatment. Mr. Hawkins discussed every issue. <br />Mr. Hawkins discussed conflict of interest. When should a board member abstain <br />from voting, and to ask themselves if by voting one way or another, would it affect <br />them financially. <br />REVIEW OF A REVISED SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR CENTENNIAL SCHOOL <br />DISTRICT FOR THE PROPOSED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OFF BIRCH STREET, <br />APPLICATION #91 -04. <br />Andy Matzki, developer approached the board. He stated that this is a replat. The <br />school has been turned 90 degrees. The original plat showed access to the school <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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