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09/11/1991 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/11/1991 P&Z Minutes
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DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 <br />Chairperson Fred Chase call the regular meeting of the design <br />review board to order at 7:02 P.M., at the Lino Lakes City Hall. <br />Mr. Robert King and Mr. John Bergeson answered roll call. Mr. Al <br />Robinson and Mrs. Monica Slatten were absent. City Planner, John <br />Miller; City Engineer, Dan Boxrud; and support staff, Joyce Lund <br />were also present. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />Robert King moved to approve the August 14, 1991 design review <br />board minutes. John Bergeson seconded the motion and the motion <br />was approved unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />No one appeared under open mike. <br />CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST FOR JOHN P. KENNY <br />DRB APPLICATION #91 -29 <br />Mr. John Kenny of 6299 Red Maple Lane, Lino Lakes addressed the <br />board. Mr. Kenny has lived in the city for about a year and wishes <br />to remove an existing detached garage and replace it with a larger <br />accessory building. The existing garage is 20 x 22 feet and is <br />poorly constructed. Mr. Kenny wishes to replace it with an <br />accessory building measuring 30 x 40 feet, to be of custom design <br />with Anderson windows, overhangs and siding to match the home. Mr. <br />Kenny wishes to use this building to house his collection of <br />antique fire engines, that he collects and restores as a hobby. <br />Mr. King asked Mr. Kenny if he could satisfy the six findings of <br />fact. Mr. Kenny said in regard to item #3, there was no hardship, <br />but could not answer to the other findings. <br />Mr. Chase stated that without meeting the six findings of fact the <br />design review board and the city council could not grant a variance <br />and the application needs to be denied. <br />John Bergeson made the motion to table the request, until later <br />during the meeting, for a variance for John Kenny to give the <br />applicant time to explore other options, one of which was that the <br />applicant try to acquire adjacent wetland from WCCO. Robert King <br />seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. <br />2 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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