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09/11/1991 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/11/1991 P&Z Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINOR SUBDIVISION AND RELOCATED STRUCTURE FOR <br />ALFRED AND MARGARET LUNDGREN <br />DRB APPLICATION 91 -34 <br />Margaret Lundgren of 6075 Holly Drive addressed the board. The <br />Lundgrens are long time residents of Lino Lakes. They own a 40 <br />acre parcel of land. They wish to subdivide ten acres from the <br />larger parcel to save and relocate a home, which has an attached <br />two car garage, that is now located in Shoreview. <br />Robert King moved to recommend to the city council approval of a <br />minor subdivision for Alfred and Margaret Lundgren, DRB Application <br />#91 -34. John Bergeson seconded the motion. The motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Robert King moved to recommend to the city council approval of a <br />plan to relocate the structure for Alfred and Margaret Lundgren, <br />from 160 Sherwood Avenue, in Shoreview, to a ten acre parcel, DRB <br />Application #91 -34, and that the relocation meet with all city <br />codes and ordinances. John Bergeson seconded the motion. The <br />motion carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR KEN GUNSALLUS AND <br />JULIE HENNESSEY <br />DRB APPLICATION 91 -35 <br />Julie Hennessey of 625 Ash Street, representing Ken -dall Kennels <br />addressed the board. Ms. Hennessey and Ken Gunsallus have <br />purchased ten acres of land, which has two dwellings on the parcel <br />with two accessory buildings. Ms. Hennessey and Mr. Gunsallus with <br />to remodel one of the accessory buildings for use as a dog kennel. <br />They have four adult dogs, which are their pets and they use them <br />for show. They intend to keep these dogs as a hobby only, and not <br />breeding. <br />John Bergeson moved to recommend to the city council approval of a <br />conditional use permit for Ken -dall Kennels, DRB Application #91 -35 <br />with the following restrictions: 1) no more than four adult dogs, <br />2) with kennels to be operated as stated in the DRB Application <br />#91 -35 and 3) any renovations be done in accord with city code. <br />Robert King seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. <br />3 <br />
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