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10/09/1991 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/09/1991 P&Z Minutes
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6/16/2022 10:31:54 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />The design review board was called to order by the chairperson Fred <br />Chase at 7:00 P.M., at the city of Lino Lakes City Hall on October <br />9, 1991. Robert King, Fred Chase, Monika Slatten and John Bergeson <br />answered to roll call. Mr. Al Robertson was absent. The city <br />planner, John Miller and support staff Joyce Lund also were <br />present. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />Robert King moved to approve the September 11, 1991 design review <br />board minutes. Monika Slatten seconded the motion and the motion <br />was approved unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />No one was present who wanted to speak under open mike. <br />CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE, DRB APPLICATION 91 -29 FOR JOHN P. KENNY <br />John Miller has been in contact with Mr. Kenny and has been <br />informed negotiations are progressing and Midwest Cable and <br />Satellite is willing to sell or lease land that will enable Mr. <br />Kenny to build the accessory building requested in his application. <br />Mr. Miller requested that the DRB Application 91 -29 be tabled until <br />November 13, 1991 when the agreement will be in writing. <br />Robert King moved to table DRB Application 91 -29 until the November <br />13, 1991 meeting. John Bergeson second the motion and the motion <br />was approved unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION OF THE PIPELINE ORDINANCE <br />John Miller informed the board that he has not been able to find <br />the answers to the questions brought up by the design review board <br />at the last meeting. Mr. Miller requested this item be tabled <br />until the November 13, 1991 meeting. <br />Robert King made the motion to table the pipeline ordinance until <br />the November 13, 1991 meeting. Monika Slatten seconded the motion <br />and the motion was carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION FOR REZONE, DRB APPLICATION 91 -39 FOR HOKANSON <br />DEVELOPMENT, INC. <br />Hokanson Development, Inc. has purchased property on Birch Street <br />between Black Duck Drive and Ed Vaughan's property. The land <br />purchased by Hokanson Development is zoned R -1. Recommendation No. <br />25 of the city's 1991 comprehensive plan amendment refers to this <br />property and states it should be zoned R -1X. The city council <br />voted (5 -0) to table the concept plan until Hokanson Development <br />petitioned to have the property rezoned to R1 -X. The petition has <br />been received and the decision to rezone the property is before the <br />design review board. Rezoning of the property from R -1 to R -1X is <br />necessary for the concept plan to be reconsidered by the city <br />council. <br />1 <br />
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