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07/10/1985 P&Z Minutes (2)
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/10/1985 P&Z Minutes (2)
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P&Z Minutes
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PLANNING AND ZONING. <br />July 10, 1985 <br />Chairman McLean called to order the July 10, 1985 meeting of the <br />Planning and Zoning Board at 7:15 P.M. Present: Cody, Doocy, <br />Prokop, Klaus, Ostlie. Absent: Goldade. Others present: Kluegel, <br />Building Official; Foster, Secretary; Johnson, Planner. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />Mr. Prokop moved to approve the May 8, 1985 minutes as presented. <br />Motion was seconded by Mr. Ostlie and carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Doocy stated that on the June 12, 1985 minutes he would like <br />to add the words "or public" behind the word "park " when talking <br />about land to be dedicated to the City. Mr. Cody moved to approve <br />the June 12, 1985 minutes as amended. Motion seconded by Mr. <br />Doocy and carried unanimously. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the following action by the City Council at <br />their 6/24/85 meeting: <br />- Approved the Alwin LaMotte request for a Mining Permit and <br />Conditional Use Permit in a Flood Plain per the P & Z's <br />recommendation, to include not double charging the applicant <br />should he wish to come again before the City with another <br />request for additional mining in the future. <br />- It was decided that the Russell Pert goat should be considered <br />a household pet and no variance is necessary. The Pert's were <br />refunded their fees. <br />Denied the request by Russ Rehbein for a Condition Use Permit/ <br />Variance for a horse arena at 6505 Joyer Lane per P & Z's <br />recommendations. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />No one was scheduled or appeared before Open Mike. <br />JAMES COMPANY - SITE AND BUILDING PLAN REVIEW <br />Mr. Dick Kwanbeck represented the James Company in their request <br />for a review of the site and building plan for an addition to the <br />Tom Thumb market at Lake Drive and Main Street. Mr. Kwanbeck re- <br />turned from last month's meeting with the information P & Z re- <br />quested. <br />Mr. Kwanbeck referred to a 7/8/85 memo from TKDA which talks about <br />drainage and the septic system. Mr. Kwanbeck stated that he did <br />not fully understand the points made in the memo and telephoned <br />TKDA for clarification. Mr. Kwanbeck feels that all the require- <br />ments from TKDA's engineering standpoint will be met. There was <br />some change recommended for the septic system. The inspection <br />of the system will be done by the Building Official and must meet <br />the recommendations set forth by TKDA. The Board felt that TKDA's <br />memo was very vague and did not give any guidance. Mr. Kluegel <br />was asked to relay the fact that the P & Z expects guidance. <br />
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