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07/10/1985 P&Z Minutes (2)
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/10/1985 P&Z Minutes (2)
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P&Z Minutes
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/126 <br />PLANNING AND ZONING <br />July 10, 1985 <br />Page Two <br />In response to the question of whether the County is planning <br />to make changes to the intersection of Lake Drive and Main Street <br />as was brought up at last month's meeting, Mr. Kwanbeck contacted <br />the County and was told that they have no plans for any changes. <br />Mr. Kwanbeck stated that the only signage for the addition will be <br />a 3' X 12' sign on the building, which was acceptable per ordinance <br />The buffer suggested on the site and building plan was not acceptable <br />to the Board. It was decided that the buffer consist of five foot <br />at planting pine trees spaced 12 feet on center; or a fence suffi- <br />cient to make at least 50% screen; or a combination of both: The <br />buffer will be required along the entire building, not just the addition. <br />Mr. Kwanbeck stated that there would be no outside storage except <br />for a block enclosure for a trash dumpster. <br />MOTION: Mr. Ostlie moved to recommend to Council approval of a <br />site and building plan from T. F. James Co. of 39482 W. 50th St., <br />for property at 7997 Lake Drive with the stipulations that the <br />drainage and septic system comply with 7/8/85 TKDA memo and are <br />to the satisfaction of the Building Official; the grading and <br />drainage plan comply with the 7/3/85 memo; and the screen consist <br />of five foot at planting pine trees spaced 12 feet on center, or <br />a fence sufficient to make at least 50% screen, or a combination <br />of both (to the satisfaction of the Building Official). Motion <br />seconded by Mr. Prokop and carried unanimously. <br />GROUP W CABLE INFORMATIONAL UPDATE <br />Ms. Denise Durante updated the Board on the recent events surround- <br />ing the completion of Group W Cable television to the Lino Lakes <br />area. Also present were the regional engineer for Group W Cable; <br />Mr. Flannery, the attorney for the seller of the property Group <br />W plans to build their antenna system on; and the president of <br />the Northwest Saddle Club (owner of adjoining property). <br />Ms. Durante and Mr. Flannery explained that Group W has purchased <br />the property along Old Birch Street for their antennaes and have <br />learned that the seller has to get clear title from an estate which <br />consists of 28 persons fromvarious locations. The problem of clear <br />title will have to be cleared up before an August deadline in order <br />for Group W to stay on schedule and satisfy their commitment to <br />the Cable Commission. Group W has requested that the Northwest <br />Saddle Club sell some of their land to Group W as an alternate <br />measure. Their antenna system, etc. will not function if the <br />location is moved any further than this adjoining property. <br />The P & Z Board wished the best to Group W in clearing the title, <br />because they could not grant a precedence- setting variance. The <br />president of the Saddle Club mentioned that because the Saddle <br />Club has no frontage, they are unable to sell any of their land. <br />The Board agreed that this is a problem, but that they must follow <br />the ordinances. The ordinance would not allow for less than ten <br />acres to be split and sold in this zone, and in this case the <br />
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