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03/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
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6/16/2022 1:54:09 PM
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6/16/2022 1:54:09 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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• <br />-3 March 21, 1973 <br />inform the members when the meeting will take place. <br />The Clerk was also asked to pull the minutes on the For -Jay hearings and <br />to talk to Mr. Locher in order to get clarification as to the necessity <br />of rezoning this land. Mr. Ze I i nka said rezoning wasn't necessary since <br />the land is zoned ag and this is an agricultural operation. The Clerk <br />is to send copies of these minutes to all Board members. <br />There was no new business. <br />Under old business, the front footage in Ord. 06 was brought up. Mr. <br />Marier pointed out that the Council had instructed them to work out the <br />discrepencies but that all changes should be done at the same time in ord, <br />to save on publication costs. Mr. McLean suggested holding off on this <br />unti 1 we have a planner. The Board was agreeable to this. <br />Mr. McLean also noted that with the going of the snow, an awful lot of <br />old cars and junk is beginning to show. He suggested that the Council <br />instigate a ''Spring Clean -Up" week on a V1i t lage wide basis. Mr. Marier <br />will present this recommendation to the Council. <br />Mr. McLean also showed the members a planned development sketch for Lino <br />Park that has been drawn up by the Lion's Club. There was no discussion <br />on this. <br />Mr. Karth reported that Mr. Robert Wilson, on Lake Drive, is hauling in <br />fill again. This time with his own truck and ' 9r. Karth said the fill was <br />full of metals and tree limbs. P °r. Hutchinson will be called to investigan -. <br />Mr. Marier asked when he could expect the Board to fomel i ze the land use <br />map. Mr. McLean said as soon as we have a planner to assist and to heqp <br />write the summary report. <br />Mr. Hi l l moved to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Aye. <br />
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