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06/20/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/20/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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June 20, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order on June 20, 1973 at 8:05 by Chairman McLean. Members <br />present; Shearen, Nadeau, Hill. Absent: Karth, Keiling, Farrand. Mr. <br />Marier was also present. <br />Mr. Hill moved to accept the minutes of the May 16, 1973 meeting as <br />presented. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Fran Burque was scheduled to appear but due to a death in the family <br />was not here. The Clerk was instructed to write him a letter ext laining <br />the necessary steps to be taken for a special use permit to remove top <br />soil. Also, to send him a copy of the Ordinance pertaining to this sort <br />of operation. He will be rescheduled for the next meeting. <br />Mr. Weiss, from North- Northeast Realty, was here to ask about the use of <br />the Schwenk) property located at Orange Street and Old Highway #8. He <br />has a prospective buyer for the building and needed information as to the <br />requirements of the Village. The main concern was the use of Orange and <br />"Maple streets by the heavy equipment. He was told that these streets <br />would not stand up under use by units as heavy as the ones this company <br />would have. <br />Mr. Weiss explained that this is not a salvage company. They go to train <br />derailments and put the cars back on the tracks. Tney would use this <br />building as a parking spot for their equipment. The fence now in place <br />would probably be removed. They would relandscape the area. He had <br />talked with a gentleman from Waseca, where one such operation is located at <br />the present time and found no adverse feeling for them in that area. <br />They felt that the company was an asset to the community. <br />There was discussion as to the axal weight of these rips and what the <br />legal weight limit was for the State. Mr. McLean suggested, as a <br />Possibility, that the company bring the side streets up to specs for <br />their equipment and submit a complete plan to the P &Z. Mr. Marier agreed <br />this would be the most feasible plan. He also felt that the maintanence <br />of the streets after un- oradinca would be assumed by the Vi i laae. <br />Mr. Damagala appeared before the Board seeking information as to the <br />possibility of establishing a manufacturing plant for racing boats. He <br />needs access to a lake for testing_ of the boats. He has been looking <br />at property from County Road J to the north end of Peltier Lake. There <br />was also discussion of using George Watch Lake, at least the North end of <br />the lake. He said he only needs about 18' of water to test the racers. <br />He felt that the hours that testing could be done could be limited to <br />certain hours oer day. If it is done on Peltier, then he would a home <br />on the lake in order to have access. <br />Mr. Hill asked how many boats his company builds per year. Mr. Damagala <br />said about 300. They build hiohly specialized racing boats. Their plant <br />is now located in New Brighton and they need more space. They have <br />24,000 sq. ft. and employ about 40 people. They cannot use more people <br />because of the limited space. He felt that in time the entire operation <br />could be moved to Lino Lakes. <br />
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