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09/15/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/15/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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September 15, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />_ to order at 8:03 P.M. on September 15, 1976 by Chairman Gourley. Members <br />present; Hill, Karth, Kelling, Madeau, Reinert, Shearen. Mr. Harvey Karth <br />substituted for Mr. McLean. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve the minutes of August 18, 1976 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to approve the minutes of the August 26, 1976 special <br />meeting as presented. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The first item on the agenda was consideration of the Sunset Oaks Plat. <br />Mr. Kolstad and Mr. Stanley presented the Board with the final revisions <br />of this plat. The first print to be presented is the one planned for the <br />intitial stage of development. This plat contains large lots. There are <br />three areas for proposed park sites. The easements for the streets as <br />suggested by both the Engineer and the Planner have been included in this <br />design. <br />The second print presents the area as it could be developed in the future <br />when utilities are available for the area. This print shows a future street <br />easement through the center of the lots. There was some discussion on the <br />possiblility of problems developing in the split of these lots. <br />Mr. Stanley said there would be deed restrictions as to where the buildings <br />could be located on the lots and he thought the street easements could be <br />_ — handled in somewhat the same manner. <br />– Mr. Kelling moved to recommend the deed restrictions include a provision <br />that no structures could be erected on the street easement in order not to <br />block future proposed streets, with all set back requirements being observed. <br />Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />On the subject of the proposed parks, Mr. Karth felt the Council should have <br />the right of designating the Park Sites. Other members felt this plat should <br />be referred to the Park Board for their input. <br />Mr. Kelling move to refer this plat to the Park Board for thier consideration <br />as to the sites and sizes of the parks in the area and forward their <br />suggestions to the Council for their consideration. Seconded by Mr. Hill. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Reinert was concerned about the future development plans for this <br />area - will the sites proposed be large enough to handle the number of <br />children if and when the area is totally developed? What percentage of the <br />total area is contained in the presently proposed parks? Mr. Kolstad said <br />the area contains 360 acres and approximately 12 acres are contained in the <br />parks and ponding areas. <br />Mr, Gourley asked if this Board had any recommendations for the Park Board? <br />Mr. Reinert felt the thing that should that should be considered is the <br />ratio be in the proper prosepctive. <br />There was discussion as to the age group that would be using these parks <br />and the general consensus was the majority of the children would be in the <br />4 t0 7 year old group. Mr. Hill asked about the age group from 7 years to <br />12 years - this age group should be considered. Mr. Kelling felt this would <br />be the responsibility of the Park Board - he felt the Park Board should be <br />
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