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09/15/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/15/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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- Page Two - September 15, 1976 <br />alerted to the Planning add Zoning Board's thoughts in that area. <br />IIMr. Reinert moved have the Park Board look at the percentage ration <br />for the first stage of development and for the future dcisi�yr %prospective. <br />Seconded by Mr. Nadeau. Motion carried uatznanimously. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to recommend to the Council approval of this plat with the <br />stipulations that points discussed at this meeting are met and with the <br />approval of the Engineer and Planner. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Met4ee -- <br />Chairman Gourley asked if there were any comments fox from any one in the <br />audience on this plat. There s9none. Mr. Gourley asked if any member of <br />the Board had any further commentpa to make. There was none. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Kolstad and Mr. Stanley will appear at the Park Board meeting scheduled <br />for September 20, 1976 and at the Council meeting scheduled for September <br />27, 1976. <br />Mrs. Donna Bruhl appearded before the Board with a request for a special use <br />permit. Mrs. Bruhl is considering purchasing 7 acres of property located <br />on 12th avenue and Holly Drive. She makes pottery as a hobby and would use <br />the building there for the storage of her vie equipment and kiln. She will <br />Nom not have retail sales nor will she be conducting classes. This is just <br />for a work shop with the possibility of haveing a yard sale a couple times <br />a year. <br />Mr. Gourley said if this is just for the operation fo of a her own shop with <br />no retail smi± sales planned and no classes, he did not feel she needed a <br />permit. If in the future, the operations should change, then her request <br />would be considered at that time. <br />Mrs. Bruhl said she is considering adding an addition to the present <br />structure and was aware that a building permit would be necessary. At the <br />present time, this operation is just for her enjoyment. <br />Mr. Nadeau felt that she should have a special use permit. The general <br />consensus of the Planning and Zoning Board Members was there is nothing to <br />issue a special use permit for. Mr. Gourley Held 2' told Mrs. Bruhl her <br />re�e�zd <br />appearancre,1 before the Planning and Zoning Board would be recur ed in th--e <br />minutes a'rizt the actions of the Board. If she did change her operation in <br />the future, this matter would be on record. Mrs. Bruhl said she had only <br />wanted to do things correctly first. She kook thanked the Board for their <br />consideration. <br />Mr. Larry Leibel appeared before the Board asking for reconsideratiomxfxk <br />from the Board on their denial to his request to splitm a parcel of land of <br />less that them required acreage and front footage. Mr. Leibel had appeared <br />before the Board in August and his request had been denied on the baisilof <br />the lack of 150' frontage on ie either parcel after the split. <br />Mr. Leibel explained this split is to allow him to build a home next to his <br />parents so he can take care of them. There is no other land availabin <br />the area. He said his father only has the use of one arm and cannot take <br />care of this amount of land. Mr. Leibel said this land will stay in the <br />family and will not be sold. He asked this be granted on the basis of a <br />hardship for his parents. <br />
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