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06/29/2022 Environmental Board Minutes
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06/29/2022 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board
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Env Bd Minutes
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Public Hearing
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Environmental Board <br />June 29, 2022 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />The applicant, Ranger Development, submitted a land use application for a PUD <br />Concept Plan for a proposed residential development west of the intersection of Lake <br />Drive and Kelly Street. The applicant would like flexibility to adjust lot sizes and <br />setbacks. There are 23 single unit townhomes proposed on the 4.9 acre site. <br /> <br />The 2040 Comprehensive Plan proposes constructing a trail through the site. In lieu <br />of this and keeping in mind the density of the proposed development, Chair Sullivan <br />asked if there would be room for a trail. He also asked if there are trails currently in <br />the area. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson said there are no trails along Lake Drive currently. He explained since <br />the applicant is requesting PUD flexibility, the applicant will be required to provide a <br />public benefit and a trail would fufill that requirement. <br /> <br />Chair Sullivan asked where the site’s stormwater runoff would be directed. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson explained the site is meeting the rate and volume requirements for <br />stormwater runoff and they will not contribute runoff to nearby ponds. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwartz and Ms. Cavegn asked if there would be enough room on the site for a <br />trail and stormwater management. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson stated the applicant will need to revise their plans to include more open <br />space in order to meet the requirements for a PUD. Once more open space is <br />incorportated, there should be sufficient space for a trail, various plantings, and <br />stormwater management. <br /> <br />Ms. Buchmeier questioned if a middle turn lane would need to be constructed in order <br />for residents to be able to turn onto Vicky Lane from Lake Drive. She expressed <br />concern with the alignment of Vicky Lane and Kelly Street. She also asked what the <br />City anticipates the traffic volume will look like. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson stated the traffic will be reviewed by city and county engineers. He noted <br />the alignment of Vicky Lane with Kelly Street is done to limit the number of accesses <br />onto Lake Drive which increases the level of safety. <br /> <br />Jon Blattman, 4247 117th Avenue NE, Blaine, MN 55449, with Ranger Development, <br />said he spoke with the county and they forsee no issues with residents exiting Vicky <br />Lane. Mr. Blattman noted the county mentioned the possibility of adding a turn lane <br />from Lake Drive to Vicky Lane. He commented implenting a 6 ft. high buffer around <br />the development would not work as it would inhibit proper drainage and access for <br />mowing. Regarding the trail, Mr. Blattman said he is unsure where the trail could be <br />located due to the homeowners to the north of the site and since it is not known what <br />will be constructed on the vacant lot to the south. <br />
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