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JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES AND CITY OF COLUMBUS <br />RELATING TO JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br />FOR SCANNELL BUSINESS PARK <br /> <br />THIS AGREEMENT is by and between the City of Lino Lakes, a Minnesota municipal <br />corporation, hereinafter referred to as the “Lino Lakes,” and the City of Columbus, a Minnesota <br />municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the “Columbus.” (Lino Lakes and Columbus <br />may also be referred to as “Party” or “parties” in this Agreement.) <br />WHEREAS, the Scannell Business Park proposal covers approximately 325 acres <br />located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the cities of Lino Lakes and Columbus shown on <br />Exhibit A (the “Property”), with 270 acres located in Lino Lakes, and 55 acres located in <br />Columbus ; and <br />WHEREAS, Scannell Properties (the “Developer”) has proposed a concept master plan <br />for approximately three million to three million five hundred thousand square feet of industrial <br />development on the Property to be built in phases; and <br />WHEREAS, Lino Lakes and Columbus mutually desire to preserve and protect long <br />range planning process within each community; and <br />WHEREAS, Lino Lakes and Columbus desire to maintain efficient levels of public <br />service delivery in furtherance of the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of each <br />of the communities; and <br />WHEREAS, development of The Scannell Business Park requires environmental review <br />under Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410; and <br />WHEREAS, the preferred method of the Parties for environmental review of the <br />Scannell Business Park is to prepare an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (“AUAR”), as <br />provided in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410; and <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 anticipates that only one unit of <br />government will act as the Responsible Governmental Unit (“RGU”) in conducting an AUAR; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of Lino Lakes and Columbus and their respective <br />residents, property owners, and businesses to develop a Joint Powers Agreement (“JPA”), <br />pursuant to Minn. Stat. §471.59, to foster cooperative planning and joint environmental review in <br />furtherance of the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of each of the communities. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and benefits that each <br />Party will derive from coordinated planning and joint environmental review, Lino Lakes and <br />Columbus hereby enter into this Agreement for the benefit of mutual long range planning, <br />pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.