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3. <br />(c) Columbus will be invited to all significant meetings regarding the planning and <br />preparation of AUAR. <br />(d) Columbus will participate in all meetings requested by Lino Lakes, including staff <br />meetings and City Council meetings. <br />(e) Columbus will provide data and mapping relevant to portions of the Scannell <br />Business Park within Columbus for Lino Lakes use in the preparation of the AUAR. The <br />parties agree to identify such data collection and preparation prior to preparation of the <br />AUAR to avoid redundancy in the scope of work. <br />(f) Columbus will be given the opportunity to review and comment on all draft <br />components of the AUAR, including the technical components, the development <br />scenarios, and the mitigation plan. <br />(g) Columbus will be given the opportunity to review and comment on the final draft <br />AUAR prior to its publication in the EQB Monitor. <br />(h) Lino Lakes will present the draft AUAR to Columbus City Council upon request <br />of Columbus. <br />(i) Columbus will be invited to review and respond to comments received on the <br />draft AUAR, particularly those comments relative to Columbus. <br />(j) Columbus will be given reasonable opportunity to review and comment on the <br />final AUAR and mitigation plan before action on the final documents is taken by Lino <br />Lakes. <br />(k) Lino Lakes will prepare all required subsequent updates to the environmental <br />analysis and mitigation plan, based upon any changes in development plans or <br />assumptions within the AUAR as described in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410, <br />Section 4410.3610, subpart 7. <br />(l) Columbus will be notified and given the opportunity to comment on any updates <br />to the AUAR or mitigation plan prior to the notification and distribution of any amended <br />documents. <br />(m) Lino Lakes will prepare and distribute the mandatory “5-year updates” for the <br />AUAR according to Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410, Section 4410.3610, subpart 7. Each <br />party shall be responsible for a pro-rata share of costs incurred in the updates, based on <br />acreages within corporate boundaries, whether this Agreement is in place or not. Lino <br />Lakes shall be responsible for 83% of review costs, and Columbus 17% of review costs. <br />Nothing herein prohibits either party from requiring the developer or property owner of <br />the business park from reimburse the respective arty for update costs. <br />(n) Columbus will be notified and given the opportunity to comment on the “5-year <br />updates” prior to distribution.