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Statement 2 <br />Operating Capital <br />Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-Type <br />Contributions Contributions Activities Activities Total <br />$1,460 $ - ($1,844,056)$ - ($1,844,056) <br />351,258 - (2,566,128) - (2,566,128) <br />661,302 4,141,383 111,923 - 111,923 <br />91,994 - (108,022) - (108,022) <br /> - - (459,455) - (459,455) <br /> - - (518,897) - (518,897) <br />1,106,014 4,141,383 (5,384,635)0 (5,384,635) <br /> - 421,608 - 327,193 327,193 <br /> - 414,421 - 211,563 211,563 <br />0 836,029 0 538,756 538,756 <br />$1,106,014 $4,977,412 (5,384,635)538,756 (4,845,879) <br />General revenues: <br /> General property taxes 9,441,819 - 9,441,819 <br /> Tax increment 312,152 - 312,152 <br /> Grants and contributions not <br /> restricted to specific programs 181,712 - 181,712 <br /> Unrestricted investment earnings 207,792 106,488 314,280 <br /> Gain on disposal of capital assets 38,022 - 38,022 <br />Transfers (308,694)308,694 - <br /> Total general revenues and transfers 9,872,803 415,182 10,287,985 <br />Change in net position 4,488,168 953,938 5,442,106 <br />Net position - January 1, as previously reported 42,819,930 45,724,057 88,543,987 <br />Prior period adjustment (692,480) - (692,480) <br />Net position - January 1, as restated 42,127,450 45,724,057 87,851,507 <br />Net position - December 31 $46,615,618 $46,677,995 $93,293,613 <br />Program Revenues <br />Net (Expense) Revenue and <br />Changes in Net Position <br />Primary Government <br />The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. <br />35