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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />BALANCE SHEET Statement 3 <br />GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />December 31, 2017 <br />333 G.O. 342 G.O. Other Total <br />Improvement Improvement 406 Area and Governmental Governmental <br />General Fund Note of 2009A Bonds of 2016B Unit Charge Funds Funds <br />Assets <br />Cash and investments $6,648,162 $ - $944,886 $7,528,465 $9,813,467 $24,934,980 <br />Accrued interest receivable 84,517 - - - - 84,517 <br />Due from other governmental units 133,556 - - - - 133,556 <br />Accounts receivable - net 23,758 - - 25,439 1,855 51,052 <br />Prepaid items 243,317 - - - 1,659 244,976 <br />Taxes receivable: <br />Due from county 23,611 - - - 6,789 30,400 <br />Delinquent 56,559 - - - 13,088 69,647 <br />Special assessments receivable: <br />Due from county - - - 2,400 798 3,198 <br />Delinquent - - - 9,129 9,151 18,280 <br />Deferred 329 2,639,483 2,994,379 1,117,458 1,181,734 7,933,383 <br />Interfund loan receivable - - - 100,361 2,934,516 3,034,877 <br />Long-term notes receivable - - - - 225,000 225,000 <br />Total assets $7,213,809 $2,639,483 $3,939,265 $8,783,252 $14,188,057 $36,763,866 <br /> Liabilities, Deferred Inflows of Resources, and Fund Balances <br />Liabilities: <br />Accounts payable $194,538 $ - $705 $510 $257,313 $453,066 <br />Salaries payable 110,845 - - - 453 111,298 <br />Due to other governmental units 34,613 - - - 12,176 46,789 <br />Contracts payable - - - - 125,455 125,455 <br />Interfund loan payable - - 2,876,643 - 1,073,183 3,949,826 <br />Total liabilities 339,996 0 2,877,348 510 1,468,580 4,686,434 <br />Deferred inflows of resources: <br />Unavailable revenue 56,888 2,639,483 2,994,379 1,126,587 1,203,973 8,021,310 <br />Fund balance: <br />Nonspendable 243,317 - - - 101,659 344,976 <br />Restricted - - - - 5,289,641 5,289,641 <br />Committed - - - - 175,401 175,401 <br />Assigned - - - 7,656,155 6,925,514 14,581,669 <br />Unassigned 6,573,608 - (1,932,462) - (976,711) 3,664,435 <br />Total fund balance 6,816,925 0 (1,932,462) 7,656,155 11,515,504 24,056,122 <br />Total liabilities, deferred inflows <br />of resources, and fund balance $7,213,809 $2,639,483 $3,939,265 $8,783,252 $14,188,057 $36,763,866 <br />The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. <br />36