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LINO LAKES CITY COUNCIL <br />MINUTES <br />DATE: March 25, 2024 <br />TIME STARTED: 6:32 PM <br />TIME ENDED: 7:05 PM <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Council lmembers, Lyden, Stoesz, Ruhland, Cavegn, Mayor <br />Rafferty <br />Staff members present: Deputy Director of Public Safety Kyle Leibel Community Development <br />Director Michael Grochala; City Engineer Diane Hankee; City Clerk Jolleen Chaika. <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rafferty at 6:32 PM. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Community Development Director Michael Grochala opened the Public Comment session with a <br />statement about a project that members of the community have been discussing: Madinah fakes. <br />He advised that as of this time, no application has been received for development. If and when <br />an application is received, it will be reviewed pursuant to City Code. <br />Farraz Yussuf, 12301 Central Avenue NE, Blaine. Mr. Yussef advised he is the president of Zikar <br />Holdings. He said he wished to provide context as to who he is and what values he brings to this <br />endeavor (Madinah Lakes). He said that while Zikkar Holdings is newly established, he and his <br />team are dedicated and experienced. He anticipates submitting a (development) application in <br />the near future. Mr. Yussef also clarified that his company is separate from the prior applicant. <br />He expressed a commitment to working collaboratively with staff, Council, and residents. He has <br />engaged in high-level discussions and will submit the application soon. He wants to make it clear <br />there are no expectations of special treatment, that there have been no special deals struck to <br />move this forward. He extended an invitation to anyone to reach out to him with any questions <br />or concerns. He plans to hold neighborhood meetings in the future. <br />Michael Arman, 172 Glenview Avenue, said he feels like his speaking is premature as he just <br />found about the new development (Madinah Lakes) an hour ago so he didn't have much time to <br />research. He has concerns: He read on the website that paperwork hasn't been submitted but <br />the (developer's) YouTube video is already talking about ground breaking scheduled for next <br />year. He thinks that sounds a bit premature as well. <br />Randy Rennacker, 379 Carl Street, stated he was speaking on behalf of the residents of Carl Street <br />to remind Council of the strong opposition of the connection of the development <br />to the Carl Street neighborhood. He added that if any development takes place that his <br />street and neighborhood remain as is. <br />1 <br />