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03-25-2024 City Council Meeting Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-25-2024 City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/31/2024 12:24:59 PM
Creation date
4/25/2024 9:10:44 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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Luke Walter, 7800 Marilyn Drive, said he has lived in Lino Lakes for seven (7) years. He said the <br />developer (of Madinah Lakes) has put out information that is confusing and that strikes him as <br />disrespectful: taking reservations and money. He said when he first read of this information, he <br />thought of politicians in the 215t century making deals. Mr. Walter said he is a bit soothed by the <br />responses of the City. He added that what really struck him is that the proposed project is for a <br />very specific community and he has concerns with that concept, adding that it creates <br />segregation not by intent but by choice. He said that if there is a possibility of an additional 1800 <br />residents, we need organic integration. He added that he comes from a multi -faith, diverse family <br />and is an immigrant so he is looking at this from that perspective; he voiced concern for a divided <br />City. <br />Theresa O'Connell, 1000 Main Street, spoke on the topic of the Centerville Lake (alum) project. <br />She said she has been in the area since 1987 and she is very excited about the project and she <br />wanted to convince Council that moving forward with the project is in the best interest of the <br />community. She estimated that the costs to residents would be approximately $0.47 per home. <br />Melissa Wagner, 7947 Sheila Avenue, said she has been a resident for 38 years and her husband's <br />family has been here for over 70 years. She has witnessed organic growth at a slow and steady <br />pace and now has concerns about rapid growth and the impact that will have on the schools. <br />Sam Bennett, 6841 Lakeview Drive, asked of any plans by the City to gather volunteers to clean <br />trash along trails and ditches. He would like to see some movement on that and believes that all <br />would benefit. <br />Justin Carver, 65 Century Trail, voiced concerns about the 600-foot notice (to residents for <br />development projects). He does not think that provides enough impact and inquired if more <br />notice could be required. He also asked if it is normal business practice (for a developer) to sell <br />lots before anything is in place. <br />Prior to the close of Public Comment, Mayor Rafferty advised that the Council itself has not been <br />involved in any discussions related to this (Madinah Lakes) development outside of calls and <br />emalls recently from residents. He added that there is nothing happening right now, that the last <br />discussion (related to this property) was in 2022 and that project didn't move forward. He <br />encouraged residents to sit back and wait. <br />1. Motion to: Close Public Comment at 6:58 PM. <br />RESULT: <br />MOVER: <br />SECONDER: <br />AYES: <br />CARRIED [UNANIMOUS] <br />Ruhland <br />Cavegn <br />RAland, Cavegn, Lyden, Stoesz, Rafferty <br />
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