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LINO LAKES CITY COUNCIL <br />MINUTES <br />DATE: May 13, 2024 <br />TIME STARTED: 6:31 PM <br />TIME ENDED: 8:05 PM <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmembers, Lyden, Stoesz, Cavegn, Ruhland, Mayor <br />Rafferty <br />Staff Members Present: City Administrator Sarah Cotton; Public Safety Director John Swenson; <br />Public Safety Deputy Director Dan L'Allier; Human Resources and Communications Manager <br />Meg Sawyer; Community Development Director Michael Grochala; City Planner Katie Larsen, <br />WSB Project Engineer Diane Hankee. <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rafferty at 6:31 PM. <br />I all -Do] 4 [ara]mil -kn <br />Farazz Yussuf, 12724 Leyte Street, Blaine, stated he is deeply disappointed in the recent <br />discussion of the moratorium. He talked about the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which states that <br />the parcels Madinah Lakes is proposing are scheduled for 2025 and contains provisions for a <br />mix of low-, medium-, and high -density housing together with commercial components. A <br />moratorium will not deter their commitment to developing Madinah Lakes. The Madinah Lakes <br />development is open to all, has a density equal to that of the surrounding neighborhoods, and <br />is compliant with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. <br />Noni Karkoska, 7770 4th Avenue, stated her property is less than a fifth of a mile from the <br />proposed property and is a supporter of the development. Karkoska has worked for the <br />government for 25 years and is welcoming all folks into the community. After meeting with the <br />developer, she was happy to hear that 25%-30% will be open spaces. She is questioning why <br />the moratorium is only for the north side of Lino Lakes. <br />Christina Turner, 945 81st Street stated she finds buildings Madinah Lakes deeply concerning <br />and believes this development is bringing us back in time with segregation. She asked why the <br />developer is proposing to build in a community they claim are racists, bigots, and islamophobic. <br />Talked about how the developer does not yet own the land and is collecting down payments. <br />Luke Walter, 7800 Marilyn Drive, is speaking for the Love Lino group. He discussed how the <br />Madinah Lakes developer is spreading misinformation in the press and on social media, as well <br />as how the Love Lino Lakes group found out about the Madinah Lakes proposal. Most of the <br />group thought the development was a scam. As stated, if you compare the Madinah Lakes <br />website against the Pulte Homes website, the difference is significant. <br />1 <br />