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LINO LAKES CITY COUNCIL <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MINUTES <br />DATE: <br />June 24, 2024 <br />TIME STARTED: <br />6:30 PM <br />TIME ENDED: <br />10:05 PM <br />LOCATION: <br />City Council Chambers <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: <br />Mayor Rafferty, Councilmembers Cavegn, Lyden, Ruhland <br />and Stoesz <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: <br />None <br />Staff Members Present: City Administrator Sarah Cotton, City Clerk Roberta Colotti, Public Safety <br />Director John Swenson, Deputy Public Safety Director/Fire Dan L'Allier, Community Development <br />Director Michael Grochala and City Attorney Jay Squires <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rafferty at 6:30 PM. <br />Mayor Rafferty provided an overview of the Rules of Decorum for Public Comment. He <br />provided first notice to those in attendance that the Sergeant -at -Arms has been instructed to <br />remove anyone who is disorderly. <br />blic Comment <br />Asad Zaman, 1608 Como Avenue, St. Paul, stated his objection to the City Council changing the <br />rules for attendees from allowing signs, to allowing signs only at the beginning of the meeting, <br />to requiring signs be kept down during the meeting, then allowing t-shirts with similar <br />messaging as the signs. He highlighted that the rules changed each time those opposed to the <br />project used that method and at the time supporters of the project began to use the same <br />messaging methods. <br />Mr. Zaman also called out that the rules for public comment were permissive in allowing vicious <br />attacks against his community by those opposed to the development project and now they are <br />being told they can not speak about the opposition as frankly. He read five statements from <br />past meetings as examples of hate speech that was made during public comment. <br />Angella Coil, 7672 Sunset Ave, Lino Lakes, requested that the City Council adopt regulations <br />requiring that developers have background checks as part of the development approval <br />process. She stated that developers are coming into the community and developing structures <br />that will be in place for years, if not decades. As a result, she would like to know why each <br />developer doesn't have to demonstrate that they have extensive experience and can operate <br />with a certain level of integrity. <br />Howard Dotson, Minneapolis, stated that he has been to 31 countries and seen the refugee <br />crisis. He stated there are 120 million refugees. Syrian refugees have been in camps for 12 <br />years. There was a four-year Muslim ban during the Trump administration, and we still have not <br />righted that wrong. He is concerned about how things locally connect to things globally. <br />