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12/11/2002 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
12/11/2002 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />December 11, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />Main St. & North of Carl St. – Section 7, Rezone, MUSA Allocation, <br />Preliminary Plat <br />Chair Schaps reopened the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. <br />Staff explained Century Farm North Development, Inc. has requested approval of a 250 <br />unit, low and medium density residential development (Century Farm North) located <br />upon a 95.1 acre site north of Thomas St reet and east of Sunset Road. <br />Specifically, the proposed calls for 27 low density and 223 medium density units upon <br />85.3 net acres of land resulting in a net density of 2.93 units per acre. <br />Staff presented its analysis by explaining wh ile the physical charact eristics of the site <br />make development challenging, such characteris tics also offer unique design possibilities. <br />The northeasterly portion of the site is open meadow with scattered brush and trees. The <br />southern portion of the site includes w ooded areas, wetlands and a County ditch and <br />borders the Lino Air Park. The western porti on of the site is somewhat fragmented due <br />to a number of property exceptions along S unset Road and includes several acres of <br />unbuildable wetland areas. <br />Staff stated with respect to the MUSA Reserve Allocation, to accommodate the proposed <br />development, the allocation of 85.3 acres of MUSA will be necessary. Considering that <br />the Comprehensive Plan calls for the urbaniza tion of the subject prop erty, such allocation <br />is considered appropriate. <br />Staff noted with respect to Land Use and Zoni ng, the City’s Comprehensive Plan calls for <br />sewered low density residential uses in the southwest portion of the site and low <br />density/medium density uses on the balance of the site. While, the proposed land use <br />designations are consistent with the land us e directives of the Comprehensive Plan, <br />concern exists that the appl icant is proposing to apply th e R-3 zone to numerous single <br />family lots within the subdivision. Cons idering that the R-3 zoning district does not <br />allow single family dwellings, it is suggested that the R-1 designation be applied to the <br />single family dwellings in the subdivision and that the R-3 designation be applied to the <br />areas in which multi-family units are proposed. <br />Staff noted that the rezoning request also includes a PDO, Planned Develop Overlay to <br />allow airplane hangers, private streets and multiple buildings on a single lot. <br />Additionally, the PDO can accommodate the proposed detached townhome development <br />concept (a deviation from R-1 District requirements). <br />Staff stated it is the intent of the applican t to locate the varied hous ing types such that a <br />transition in land use intensity exists. Gene rally speaking, low intensity residential uses <br />are proposed in the southwestern corner of the site with hi gher density townhomes <br />located in the northeast corner of the pr operty. The proposed land use transition is <br />consistent with the land use directives of the Comprehensive Plan and is considered a <br />positive aspect of the development plan.
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