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For the purpose of reviewing the rezoning request, a map depicting the zoning of <br />the surrounding area is attached at the end of the report. <br />The site is currently zoned R (Rural), and commercial development is not allowed <br />within that zoning district. Again, the Amended Conditional Use Permit approved <br />the use of the existing building as an automotive body shop. As this type of use <br />would not be allowed today in the R (Rural) zoning district, it is considered a non- <br />conforming use of the property. <br />The city's business zoning districts include Neighborhood Business, Limited <br />Business, and General Business. These districts allow a range of commercial <br />uses, and increase in intensity with General Business allowing the most intense. <br />The applicant is proposing to operate an Outdoor Sales Lot for the sales of <br />automobiles, and that use is only listed as a permissible use (via Conditional Use <br />Permit) under the General Business zoning district. <br />The purpose of the General Business zoning district is defined in the ordinance <br />as follows: <br />There are areas containing a wide variety of business uses including <br />retail, service, and semi - industrial uses. As such, they may contain <br />businesses which tend to serve other business and industry as well as <br />those catering to shoppers' needs. No new land shall be zoned GB, <br />General Business unless the site or area lies within the City's MUSA <br />and sanitary sewer and municipal water is available. <br />The subject site is outside of the MUSA boundary area, and the nearest city <br />utilities are approximately 4,500 feet south of the site at the intersection of Lake <br />Drive and Main Street. <br />The site is surrounded on two sides by properties that are zoned, guided, and <br />developed with single family homes. <br />As such, staff is recommending that this portion of the request be denied and the <br />site be examined further to determine what zoning district is most appropriate for <br />the site. <br />As for the findings that need to be made to support a rezoning, the zoning <br />ordinance lays out the following for consideration by the Board: <br />—55— <br />KI Auto <br />Page 4 of 22 <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />