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The applicant has proposed to operate an outdoor automobile sales lot in <br />conjunction with the existing automotive body shop business. This use requires <br />a conditional use permit in the GB (General Business) zoning district. According <br />to Section 2, Subdivision 2 of the Zoning Ordinance, The Planning and Zoning <br />Board shall recommend a conditional use permit and the Council shall order the <br />issuance of such permit only if it finds the following criteria have been met: <br />a) The proposed development application has been found to be consistent <br />with the policies and recommendations of the Lino Lakes Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />The existing Comprehensive Plan designates the site for Low <br />Density Sewered Residential development. The applicant is <br />requesting, and the 2030 Comprehensive Plan currently proposes, <br />that the site be guided for Commercial development. <br />The Comprehensive Plan includes Commercial Policies that require <br />adequate and appropriate landscaping according to community <br />requirement and from adjacent residential development. <br />The Commercial section of the Development Framework specifically <br />discusses the commercial areas of the city that are surrounded by <br />residential land uses. In such occasions the property is required to <br />be `designed to compatibly coexist with adjoining residential areas'. <br />The comprehensive plan calls these `Neighborhood Commercial' <br />areas, which would coincide with the less intensive zoning district <br />title `Neighborhood Business'. <br />b) The proposed development application is compatible with present and <br />future land uses of the area. <br />The site is surrounded on two sides by property that is guided, <br />zoned and developed with single family residential. <br />c) The proposed development application conforms to performance <br />standards herein and other applicable City Codes. <br />The site would require 19 parking spaces to operate in the manner <br />described by the applicant. Only 14 spaces are shown on the <br />submitted site plan. Below is a calculation of the parking <br />requirements under today's ordinance. This was calculated on the <br />most liberal basis possible, counting each garage door as a single <br />bay and counting the land area required by the conditional use <br />permit (1,900 square feet) and a 100 square foot estimate for office. <br />KI Auto <br />Page 6 of 22 <br />—57— <br />• <br />• <br />