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<br /> <br />CITY OF L I NO LAKE S <br />PLANNING & Z O NING BOARD MINUT E S <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />DATE : August 11, 2004 <br /> TIME STARTED : 6:33 P.M. <br /> TIME ENDED : 9:21 P.M. <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT : Hyden, Pogal z , Rafferty, Root (arrived at 6:50 <br />p.m.), and Tralle. <br />MEMBERS ABS E NT : Lane. <br /> STAFF PRESENT : Jeff S m yser; Michael Grochala; and James <br />Studenski <br /> <br /> <br />I. CAL L TO ORDE R AND ROL L CAL L <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty called the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Boar d m eeting to order at 6:33 <br />p.m ., Augus t 11, 2004. <br /> <br />II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br /> <br />Mr. Pogalz requested item 5C be m o ved to item 5A. <br /> <br />III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Jul y 14, 2004 <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty requested his statem ent on page 9, third paragraph be deleted and replaced <br />with the following: Chair Rafferty stated sta ff had done an excellent job in trying to help <br />the City a l o ng with the com p rehensive pl an, which was approved and now staff was <br />asking to look at things that ne eded to be adjusted. He noted he felt there was confusion <br />at the City Council level and th e City Council needed to com e to the conclusion that they <br />should work with staff on any com p r e hensive plan changes or am endm ent s . <br /> <br />Mr. Pogalz m a de a MOTION approve the Ju ly 14, 2004 Minutes as am ended and was <br />supported by Mr. Tralle. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> <br />IV. OPEN MIKE <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty declared open m i ke open at 6:38 p.m . <br /> <br />There was no one present for Open Mike <br /> <br />Mr. Hyden m a de a MOTION to close Open Mi ke at 6:39 p.m., and was supported by Mr. <br />Pogalz. Motion carried 3-0. <br />APPR OVE D MINUTE S