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Pl anni ng & Zo ni n g B o ar d <br />No vem b er 10 , 20 0 4 <br />Page 3 <br />Staff recomm ended approval of the project including a variance to the minim u m roa d <br />frontage req u irem ents, a varian ce to the m i ni m u m lot size requirem e nts, and a m i nor <br />subdivision, subject to the c ondition that when ownership of these properties changes <br />hands, the n e w owner(s) is requ ired to com b ine them with adjacen t parcels to avoid <br />creating a new parcel. <br /> <br />Mr. Tralle asked if it is the intent of St. Pa ul Reg i onal W a ter Services to s e ll the 10 ac re <br />parcel for future construction of homes and re qu e s ted c l ar if ic ation re garding Parcel 21. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty invited applicant to m a ke comm ent. <br /> <br />Bill Tsch ida , St. Paul Re gional W a ter Servic es, s t ated Pa rce l 21 is cur r ently being <br />operated within the park system and a Purc hase Agreem ent has been executed whereby <br />the County will now purchase th is parcel. He s t ated both splits are being d r iven by wh at <br />the County wants to buy a nd operate as a park. <br /> <br />Mr. Tschida added that Parcel B of Parcel 3 is directly in front of private property and <br />represents a sim ilar strip of land surrounding Centerville Lake and would be m a de <br />available for purchase to the adjacent private pr op erty owners. He stated h e has had so m e <br />conversations with Mr. S m yser about how to do future lot splits al l around the lake and <br />indicated they would prefer to obtain blanket approval. <br /> <br />Staf f indicated if it is the inten tion to f u rther div i d e the prop erty in the f u tu re and to s e ll it <br />to individual property ow ners, it could be addressed in the Board’s action so the <br />individual property owners do not ha ve to com e back for a v a rian ce. <br /> <br />Mr. Tschida stated he intended the blanket appr oval would be in anticipation of property <br />owners wanting to subdivide in the future. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty stated th at because Mr. Sm ys er is not in attend ance th is ev ening, the <br />Planning & Zoning Board should approve the variance based on staff’s recomm endation. <br />Staff noted the m i nor subdivision w ould be acco mplished ad m i nistrativ ely. <br /> <br />Mr. Root made a MOTION to recommend Option 1 to approve the project, including a <br />varian ce to the m i ni m u m road frontage requirements, a variance to th e minim u m lot size <br />requirem e nts, and a variance for m i nim u m lot width to allow the division of the subject <br />sites by an adm i nistrativ e m i nor subdivisi on, sub j ect to the condition that when <br />ownership of these properties change hands , the new owner(s) are requ ir ed to com b ine <br />them with adjacen t parcels to avoid crea ting a new parcel, an d was supported by Mr. <br />Hyden. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> <br />B. PUBLI C HEARI NG for a Preliminary Plat for a 5-lot Residential <br />Development named Vaughan Addition , Michael Vaughan, 600 Birch Street <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty opened the pub lic hearing at 7:55 p.m . <br /> <br />APPR OVE D MINUTE S